Just a punt and based on previous years - might see Carola & Cox doing the Destino closing party, then carrying it on @ Pacha..Could be well off the mark though ?
Dos discotecas de Ibiza se disputan en los juzgados la fiesta de un famoso 'discjockey'
El dj Marco Carola se expone a una sanción de 2,4 millones de euros si el día 16 actúa en Pacha. Amnesia logra que el juez prohíba su fiesta en cualquier local que no sea el suyowww.diariodeibiza.es
Carola in trouble? ?
Still happening?
Dos discotecas de Ibiza se disputan en los juzgados la fiesta de un famoso 'discjockey'
El dj Marco Carola se expone a una sanción de 2,4 millones de euros si el día 16 actúa en Pacha. Amnesia logra que el juez prohíba su fiesta en cualquier local que no sea el suyowww.diariodeibiza.es
is there an english version of this article available?Still happening?
Dos discotecas de Ibiza se disputan en los juzgados la fiesta de un famoso 'discjockey'
El dj Marco Carola se expone a una sanción de 2,4 millones de euros si el día 16 actúa en Pacha. Amnesia logra que el juez prohíba su fiesta en cualquier local que no sea el suyowww.diariodeibiza.es
A quick explanation of a French who's speaking English as badly as Spanish ?:is there an english version of this article available?
Partially; the judge resolution prohibits the promotion of any other party or event with the Music On brand AND/OR its main artist, Marco Carola, individually or alongside other artists, in any venue in Ibiza which is not Amnesia.A quick explanation of a French who's speaking English as badly as Spanish ?:
The judge banned Marco from playing Pacha because of an exclusive contract with Amnesia not respected.
He is liable to a fine of 2.4 million euros in case he does not respect this prohibition, as provided for in his contract with Amnesia.
Am I right, Stivi?
Not just Carola, its anything to do with the Music On brand (well thats how i read it using the chrome translator).A quick explanation of a French who's speaking English as badly as Spanish ?:
The judge banned Marco from playing Pacha because of an exclusive contract with Amnesia not respected.
He is liable to a fine of 2.4 million euros in case he does not respect this prohibition, as provided for in his contract with Amnesia.
Am I right, Stivi?
Interesting question...but I think it's not probable, too risky...and that move would also damage Amnesia imageSo I was right when I posted that a couple of weeks ago but nobody commented on it
I remembered that amnesia was contractually part of the music on brand. But the real extent of it is staggering actually. Who signs something like that?! And how long is this legally binding for Carola? There must be some duration in the contract, right?
Is this the reason why amnesia hasn't got a real residency for fridays, still thinking music on will have to come back? gotta love ibiza.