Mayday Weekend



(Note bloated head from 7 days of US food and drink!)

Who has dressed up Morrisey as a lickle school boy and given him a doll to play with?

Picked up a hire car, loaded it with everything, said goodbye to family & friends and headed to Heathrow for an evening flight.


Thursday: Arrived in Dubai after an overnight flight. Slept a bit and got some food...

Friday: Took in the surroundings and had a pool day.


Saturday: Picked up hire car and went house hunting.

Sunday (YES SUNDAY! The weekend is Fri, Sat here): Started work...

Jesus Christ...scarily tall buildings. :eek:

Hope you settle in well! Congrats and all the best etc.
Fu(king hippy. :lol:

Nice to see someone embracing Beltane! Have made a mental note for next year.

This is also brilliant:

Talking of such weirdy-beardy stuff, Rob, you came to mind on Friday when I was at the American Museum of Natural History. Have you been? They've got loads of crazy mask, totems etc used by Native American shamen.

(Actually, earlier in the week I'd thought of Chewie and Liam@Space when I'd seen an open day for the New York marathon, in Central Park. Spotlight connections worldwide!:lol:)
They've got loads of crazy mask, totems etc used by Native American shamen.

Yeah been there...found the exhibits really interesting but didn't really connect with the museum as a whole.

The fundamentals were all missing - the western way of viewing these cultures always feels like looking through a pair of binoculars the wrong way.

I did love some of the animations from indigenous folk about the dreamtime though - really trippy and thought provoking. 8)
Yeah been there...found the exhibits really interesting but didn't really connect with the museum as a whole.

The fundamentals were all missing - the western way of viewing these cultures always feels like looking through a pair of binoculars the wrong way.

I did love some of the animations from indigenous folk about the dreamtime though - really trippy and thought provoking. 8)

Yeah, as a whole the museum left me a bit flat. MoMA on the on the hand was amazing (as was Priscilla, QoTD, on Broadway:lol:)
Was lucky enough to catch a Tim Burton exhibition when I was last there (timed with the release of Alice in Wonderland).

I love NYC. :cry:

Would move there in a heartbeat*.

* London is still my home however.

Was discussing this with the missus when out there. She's a music agent and half her business is abroad anyway. I however, could definitely find work, but work, but whether I could replicate the racket I have going here is another whole kettle of fish, so who knows.......