Mayday Weekend

How did it go then?

Worked out sweeeeeeeeeet in the done in the morning and left for Bristol at 6 Saturday evening, made it there (after getting a little lost even with a sat nav :lol: ) just after 9, hit up Bristol...and hit it hard 8) - i dont recommend going out and drinking to excess on 2 hot cross buns :eek:

Drove down to Devon, minus a hangover, thank god, took me less than 2 hours and also added some front bumper damage to my car when miss judging a country corner and hitting a bank :lol: meh...

Weather wasnt great, tbf it was pants, coz it rained :( funny how a town girl like myself looked slightly out of place in some places we went to :lol:

Left at gone 7 yesterday morning and was home before midday just 100 quid down in petrol :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
Sounds like my BF :rolleyes::lol:

Thing is that I know he's right :evil: :lol:

My 80's revival weekend started with a birthday party on Friday. Party rings, wrinkly cocktail know the drill!

Saturday was pretty quiet, but on Sunday was the Hen Do to rival any that have gone before.

Hen arrived at 1pm, dressed in a ra-ra 80's wedding dress on her Nans mobility scooter
Then there was the obligatory Mr & Mrs quiz, Pin The Knob on Rob, school sports day (with alcohol based prizes of course), Mr Softee turning up to make us ice creams, a Dirty Dancing lesson, Karaoke and of course a cheesy disco. Cocktails, Cava and Rose were being served all day to the point where I had to stop drinking at about 9pm. Shameful!

Got back yesterday morning and went for some recovery tapas in Bridgnorth with Mr BG. By 6pm I was a bit tipsy again :oops:

A top Bank Holiday weekend 8)
I know it's not quite over yet but did anyone get up to anything exciting this weekend then?
Mine went pretty much as planned (see above) - 4 long nights out - although I skipped a couple of events I'd planned to go to (Gus Gus, Supermartxe) and ended up having a big one on Sunday when I thought I'd be doing something quieter.

Friday was especially epic. After some random bar hopping, I got to Krysha Mira at around 5:25 and M.A.N.D.Y. were rocking the place. :D Left just before 10am (mainly because my knee was giving out from dancing so long) and they were still going strong 8)
Friday - American Museum of Natural History during the day, then out on the beers with my childhood best friend.

Saturday - MoMA and Central Park in the day, followed by beers around Greenwich Village in the evening

Sunday - out to Rutherford in New Jersey, to visit aformentioned best mate, his wife and their new baby. So bizarre, sitting on a porch behind a white picket fence holding my 'niece'. How did we get here?8)

Monday - flew home, good nights sleep, loving work today.

Good times!
Thursday: Worked, then the long drive back to Bristol. Later drive than normal, as we didn't leave Leeds until 7pm. Journey had Armin's final ASOT 500 set, which was incredible.

Friday: Watched the people arriving to the wedding, then went to work in Dad's garden. Shifted about a tonne of stone. Watched the Lancaster bomber fly over the palace, then went back to work again. Met up with my best friend, went for dinner and a couple of drinks with her. Then got cancelled on by all my friends, so Friday night's antics were cancelled. Could of seen Vic, but was already in bed when she text me.

Saturday: Went out, had a look at some cars. Looked at the RX8. I love that car, but it's very expensive to run and insure for me at the moment. Sat in a 206CC as well, which I've been considering upgrading to. But my head touches the roof. Tad uncomfortable. Also bought a new vinyl (Cosmic Gate's Back 2 the Future - Sampler 1). Helped in the garden again, then went out and got a Curry. Then off in to town to Timbuk2 for a 'revival' night. Classic Trance and Hard House. Was a good night, and had more than a few drinks (at last!)

Sunday: Recovered, and helped in the Garden. Went out for dinner with some other family for my Dad's birthday. Had some cider. :)

Monday: Pottered about, then drove back to Leeds.
Friday was especially epic. After some random bar hopping, I got to Krysha Mira at around 5:25 and M.A.N.D.Y. were rocking the place. :D Left just before 10am (mainly because my knee was giving out from dancing so long) and they were still going strong 8)

Is there any kind of licensing laws in Moscow?

So bizarre, sitting on a porch behind a white picket fence holding my 'niece'. How did we get here?8)

Good times!

Getting broody?

Nothing to report over the weekend, all bbq plans scrapped due to return of artic winds making it feel sub zero here in Leeds:(
nothing much on for me. Watched Arsenal beat Manchester in a bar full of Manchester fans was so great for me.
Then got cancelled on by all my friends, so Friday night's antics were cancelled. Could of seen Vic, but was already in bed when she text me.

Aint gona lie i was fairly twated, i must of text you when i was able to function as a normal human being, im preety sure after that i was well out of it :eek: :lol:
Well.. in the end, it all came together - it could so easily have been a torrid exercise in sitting down in a dark room and throwing a tennis ball at the wall waiting for it all to stop but that is the beauty of this city, it is actually possible to live in blissful ignorance. As we meandered up the seven sisters road, I strongly doubt anyone was giving the official narrative a second thought. Yes, some of it was seedy, hackneyed, seen it all before, but I like the idea of London industrial estates being taken over by the counter culture, offering an altogether different kind of street party, offering you a chance to dance under the clear sky without someone charging you £55 for the privilege. Perhaps the reconnect with nature was the main theme of my weekend? At the spirit of 89 photographic exhibition I had reminisced with some Mancs about the ashram last summer - none of us could quite put our finger on how good that evening was. Perhaps a North London car park doesn't quite offer the same epiphany as a seaview restaurant in Ibiza but a similar sense of liberation was probably felt by the unwashed ravers dancing near us. And once again I looked up at the sky and thought this is actually rather ace as I slept in the long grass nearby as the last stragglers left the following morning.

A weekend in which absolutely nothing felt remotely planned. I woke up in my bed on saturday evening, still feeling quite high and thought I have no plans therefore let's go to my friend's monthly night at The Square in Harlow. The thought of a night out in Harlow would once have had me shaking in an uncontrollable cold sweat but I was assured this venue offered something different. And they were right. The Square is a a great space, normally host to live rock gigs - yet this party offered music ranging from classic jazzfunk to reggae via some vintage jungle and hiphop of the cerebral variety. Liam Howlett of The Prodigy first exposed me to babe ruth - 'the mexican' on his dirtchambers comp many years back and here it sounded glorious in fact it sounded as good as any new track I've heard this year. A drummer known to everyone (except his parents) as 'MAC' appeared on stage with barbarella-esque sexploitation visuals in the background which probably confused the hell out of the skatekids in that room, but the live fusion worked extremely well with his version of 'Pulp Fiction' sounding as vital as the original did when I was a 20 year old student cooking budget spaghetti in a dilapidated shared house. I was however left deaf for the second consecutive night, my jaded ears no longer used to the sound of heavy bass these days.

And then my attention turned to Hastings, a historic town on the South Coast steeped in folklore. I have a great friend, an artist, DJ, writer, ranconteur, sculptor, wag who is a bit of a local face there and for years he has urged me to check out the jack-in-the-green weekend. After 3 previous maydays in which I could barely stagger to the bathroom let alone the outer reaches of East Sussex, I finally summoned up the initiative to head down. It was unnerving to arrive and find the town packed out with thousands of motorcycle enthusiasts - fcuksticks! wrong festival >wrong town >wrong call, but much to my relief I then saw my first green goblin, and then suddenly everyone looked like a tree man or seemed to be painted in green. The pagan roots to all this are not that interesting in themselves, but I really liked the weirdness of it all and above all the ritual by the castle on the clifftop, a drumcircle which reminded me of bestival and what I imagine benirras to be like, and it had me harking back to all these previous encounters with nature over the weekend. Words cannot describe how important being on that clifftop was

good times, in fact a quality weekend all round... wedding, what wedding?

Picked up a hire car, loaded it with everything, said goodbye to family & friends and headed to Heathrow for an evening flight.


Thursday: Arrived in Dubai after an overnight flight. Slept a bit and got some food...

Friday: Took in the surroundings and had a pool day.


Saturday: Picked up hire car and went house hunting.

Sunday (YES SUNDAY! The weekend is Fri, Sat here): Started work...
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Is there any kind of licensing laws in Moscow?
Not so much, really :lol:

Opening hours aren't regulated, which is one reason I love this city because a lot of things (stores, restaurants, cafes, bars) are open 24hrs. And if you've got a license to sell booze, you can pretty much do it 24hrs.

Only off-license stores have to stop selling alcohol (except beer & wine) after 10pm.

Picked up a hire car, loaded it with everything, said goodbye to family & friends and headed to Heathrow for an evening flight.


Thursday: Arrived in Dubai after an overnight flight. Slept a bit and got some food...

Friday: Took in the surroundings and had a pool day.


Saturday: Picked up hire car and went house hunting.

Sunday (YES SUNDAY! The weekend is Fri, Sat here): Started work...

Gulp - how did the family goodbyes go :confused: cant imagine that was much fun :-(

Anyway - at least your there safe and sound - good luck and got everything crossed that it works out for you all - love to Kegs and the boys xxx
Gulp - how did the family goodbyes go :confused: cant imagine that was much fun :-(

Anyway - at least your there safe and sound - good luck and got everything crossed that it works out for you all - love to Kegs and the boys xxx

Thanks Pups,

Some were fine, others not so easy, but Skype has helped a lot!

Will send a photo from the office in a few days. 27th floor overlooking The Palm.

Thanks Pups,

Some were fine, others not so easy, but Skype has helped a lot!

Will send a photo from the office in a few days. 27th floor overlooking The Palm.


mail me your contact details for both you and kegs and will keep in touch in case the Dubai authorities decided Facebook and Spotlight are not proper forms of communication LOL xx