Manumission is on but.....

macdonsj said:
although the grabbing of names is pretty unscrupulous by the club owners...

...why the hell didn't they trademark the name?

seems similar to the kerfuffle a few years back when a few clubs had to either change name or pay some people

i put it down to penny pinching by the promoters - they get a lot of trade on name recognition and for the cost of copyrighting it they could have secured its use!

if u were a club owner and a loophole openend up, u would exploit it!

I think there is a loophole that copyrighted names have to be copyrighted in spain seperate (am i right on this McRackin?? silvia???)

english promoters didnt know this hence there names being taken. I dont understand this though because spain is in the E.U which means it is part of an open market, why is spain different??? from the rest of the eu???
GazDaBomb said:
I think there is a loophole that copyrighted names have to be copyrighted in spain seperate (am i right on this McRackin?? silvia???)

english promoters didnt know this hence there names being taken. I dont understand this though because spain is in the E.U which means it is part of an open market, why is spain different??? from the rest of the eu???

Yeah. Hence all the palava with Clockwork Orange, Crasher, Cream etc abroad (think in Cyprus as well) a few years back
GazDaBomb said:
I think there is a loophole that copyrighted names have to be copyrighted in spain seperate (am i right on this McRackin?? silvia???)

english promoters didnt know this hence there names being taken. I dont understand this though because spain is in the E.U which means it is part of an open market, why is spain different??? from the rest of the eu???

I thought being part of the EU doesn't meant all countries have the same laws :?

Are you sure about it? Sorry but it seems you are all the time blaming on Spain and it sounds a bit strange from someone who spends his holidays there.
Got it! :?:

Mike and everyone should start a rival night called Womanumission and use the same big M but turn it upside. Play them ast their own name, as I'm sure the loyal DJs who play for the promoters would stick with them.
I don't think that the guest djs who normally do Manumission usually do other dates at Privilege anyway - this could mean almost all could boycott the bogus night
Somebody should start a picket line.......

"Skab, Skab, Skab, Skab, Skab, Skab, Skab, Skab!" :lol:
silvia said:
GazDaBomb said:
I think there is a loophole that copyrighted names have to be copyrighted in spain seperate (am i right on this McRackin?? silvia???)

english promoters didnt know this hence there names being taken. I dont understand this though because spain is in the E.U which means it is part of an open market, why is spain different??? from the rest of the eu???

I thought being part of the EU doesn't meant all countries have the same laws :?

Are you sure about it? Sorry but it seems you are all the time blaming on Spain and it sounds a bit strange from someone who spends his holidays there.

I live in the E.U. if i started brewing my own beer and selling it under the name San Miguel would i be alloud??? No i wouldnt because there is already a spanish beer called san miguel.

If i made a beer and sold it under the name Carlsberg it would not be alloud also cause there is a company in Denmark that already have a beer called carlsberg

So why when you take your nightclub to ibiza you do not own the name there??

im not in anyway blaming or trying to pick on spain and spanish people and i would apreciate it if you didnt try and make out i was.
in the case u mention Gaz - those products are trademarked and copyrighted

it seems that these clbs trade under their name in the Uk and therefore if u opened a club called Cream in Leicester for example, then the real Cream would be able to sue as u would appear to be passing your club off as theirs

but i don't think this example works cross borders - i think they would regard the Cream name as onlya club in the UK (no matter how many years they have done Ibiza) - this is where the clubs owners were able to exploit the loophole
daltvila said:
Manumission will still be at Privilege on monday nights but without Mike, Claire & Co (they have been dumped).

Can I ask where you come across this info please daltvilla?


I'm shocked that this could happen. Everyone on Ibiza knows that Mike & Claire ARE Manumission and that they brought the most famous party to the island.

*cough cough* this is not the first time this has happened!!!

ever wondered what happened to clockwork orange? or why Godskitchen moved from amnesia?

"someone"...bought these names, and started charging the clubs for the use of their names....affected gatecrasher as well.
Robo said:
*cough cough* this is not the first time this has happened!!!

ever wondered what happened to clockwork orange? or why Godskitchen moved from amnesia?

"someone" ...bought these names, and started charging the clubs for the use of their names....affected gatecrasher as well.

at the end of the day i dont think the clubs that are doing this are doing themselfs any favours at all. All these nights that have left the island are Big Big names, im sure Godskitchen would be going on in leaps and bounds if they were still there just like they are everywere else.

Would privelage suvive without manumission?? by this i mean if it all falls on its face (i hope it gets sorted and mike and clair go back) would privelage still get by?? do they not rely on manumission filling it to bursting point once a week to pay the bills????
I'm still skeptical about this news... What's the source? I couldn't find this confirmed anywhere else.

I know people really do things for the money (in addition to the love of the game, blah blah), but this just seems really odd...
I also want to know the source of this info - Until it is confirmed 100% I'll put it down to gossip.