
It happens all the time - think Danny Rampling at Shoom - is he a hypocrite for not wanting to be a spokesperson too?

Personally, I prefer people who speak openly and honestly on the subject, either about their own experience or from a scientific angle. Mike Skinner built a (short-lived) career on being honest. Honesty from drug users, particularly successful, or even just 'normal', ones, and scientists is what's required to change wider opinion. That's assuming wider opinion bothers the average user like it bothers me!

I'm not surprised or outraged by Madonna, just bored. :lol: If you want some decent MDMA debate, check out MAPS and their lectures - incredible stuff!
Personally, I prefer people who speak openly and honestly on the subject, either about their own experience or from a scientific angle.

Me too.

But I'm not getting earnest about it - it's pop music. :lol:

I was in the crowd at Glasto a few years ago watching Gaga parade around in a flaming bra jibbering on about doing acid.

I didn't spot anyone getting outraged or bored then. Most people just cheered and got on it. :lol:
That's because Gaga has better, or at least more memorable, tunes than Madge currently and is a wee bit more mental image-wise. I'd actually struggle to name a Madonna tune from the last 10 years:!:
Erm, dunno... I've probably heard it without attributing a name to it.

Gaga is certainly doing better commercially as a singles artist, should that matter. ;)
Pop stars always do publicity stunts when a new album, CD, Book, or movie comes out. It worked people are talking about it.