
all this swearing on stage and tottering round like a drag act is a bit boring now isn't it?

Nah as the above clip proves. :lol:

The children thing? Well I'm of the view that so long as there's love then the rest doesn't matter. Grace Jones has kids too btw.

I wish I could say why this resonates but I'm not about to air my life story on a public forum. :lol:

Really regret I never met Divine. :(
I still don't get why everyone's so up in arms about it within the dance community.

It's a fickle, slightly bimby reference to a harmless drug (and integral part of youth culture) by a so-called ageing bint that no one doing the ranting seems to care about.

Americans don't really do subtle...
I still don't get why everyone's so up in arms about it within the dance community.

It's a fickle, slightly bimby reference to a harmless drug (and integral part of youth culture) by a so-called ageing bint that no one doing the ranting seems to care about

I'm confused - I thought you said you didn't get why no one was up in arms about Madonna's blatant drug reference?

So not 'everyone' then? :lol:

Jesus friggin' Christ this is like pulling teeth.

* Everyone - a blanket statement relating to those blogging/writing about DeadFerre5 getting sensationalist about drug issues.

* No one is talking about it...the only offence seems to be coming from within the dance fraternity. Those that are more than happy to DJ under large alcohol sponsors. Punk spirit is clearly dead.

Let's move on.

MARKB - it generally is and I have to admit being slightly torn. :lol:
Not sure if news of this has really hit across the pond, but I was at Ultra Music Festival last week, and Madonna came out with Avicii who was closing the main stage saturday night, and besides ranting about how she always loved dance music, she decided to ask "So who here has seen molly" So if there is any question if she is supporting drug use, id say that eliminates it. Some people cheered, a lot of people including those with me who were doing molly were just looking at each other like she was a tool.
Because saying anything positive about government controlled drugs is a terrible thing ain't it? :rolleyes:

If she'd got up there and said, "Who's drunk?" all the beer monsters would've cheered in unison, the alcohol sponsors would've clinked their glasses, the bar would get busier and everyone would've been happy.

Besides, the music that Avicii was playing (hopefully that's the first and last time I'll hear that name along with the phrase EDM) was far more offensive.

Oh and Deadmau5 is a stupid EDM, ear wearing twunt.
Because saying anything positive about government controlled drugs is a terrible thing ain't it? :rolleyes:

But she isn't. She's happy to make innuendo, then scuttle back into her hole shouting "I don't condone drug use" when challenged on the subject. She's no more useful than Bill "I didn't inhale" Clinton or Dave "pro-drug legalisation until I get voted in as PM" Cameron in changing people's minds. :rolleyes: Frankly, she'd be better staying out of it. It'll be scientists, the squares!, that eventually change the public perception of 'molly', especially once it gets the green light for use in psychotherapy, not aging, controversy hungry pop stars.
a) It's the world we live in - and what her entire career is built on - advertising messages and PR stunts everywhere we go. Why be surprised or outraged? Why not just be humoured? Especially when you do them yourselves.

So it's like your mum staggering around talking about drugs? I was the youngest at the Tony Humphries gig at the weekend - everyone was (still) off their t!ts. :lol:

The original generation ain't gettting any younger - and she did (does) do them because I've seen her talk openly about it in interviews.

b) Everyone knows it's career suicide to go public on the subject.

Loads of big name DJs are out necking e's but when confronted on the subject, they deny all association.

It happens all the time - think Danny Rampling at Shoom - is he a hypocrite for not wanting to be a spokesperson too?