Losing that beer belly in time for Ibiza

working in NY for 2 weeks isnt helping. trying to do a workout in the morning at the apartment but is very limited. Having lunch and dinner at the office so its take away stuff which even if you try and pick something healthy it isnt really
just completed my 2nd triathlon finishing 34th out of 390 competitors, this has got my fitness and stamina up as well as my weight down! With a week before we travel to Ibiza Im just going to continue to train as for tri with extra weights and lay off the carbs a bit, to hopefully drop a % or two in BF.
Then ruin all the hard work with copious beers and slap up dinners :D
just completed my 2nd triathlon finishing 34th out of 390 competitors, this has got my fitness and stamina up as well as my weight down! With a week before we travel to Ibiza Im just going to continue to train as for tri with extra weights and lay off the carbs a bit, to hopefully drop a % or two in BF.
Then ruin all the hard work with copious beers and slap up dinners :D


Watching James Cracknell in the Marathon Des Sables has spurred me on to get stuck into my running, what a fecking nutter he is!!

Got on the scales Sunday, 14-0 1/4 (not down to de-hydration as no beers of note).

Watched my diet like crazy this week, having no more than 1,500 calories per day, all healthy stuff (mixed beans, veg, one small boiled egg at lunch, (although oven chips twice early evening, but very small portion)). x-trainer and a few weights - Monday. Ran 3.5k yesterday. On the scales this am 14-2 3/4.


Anyway, my running / back problem is getting better after new trainers so the distance will be going up and up from now, so no excuse on that front.

Everyone else happy with their progress?
I've done some weight losing. Started exactly 25 days ago and now I've managed to get from 85,6 kg to 78.5 kg. I thought I could cycle race again after five years and it seems that my fitness level is quite good but my weight wasn't. My original goal weight was 74 but it seems that as I'm not 78.5, I still have quite a lot more than 4,5 kg excess weight. I think I could easily be 72 or 70. On a level road I can go pretty damn fast but uphills seem to be hard as I've lost quite a lot of leg muscles so weight/power ratio should be better.

Diet seems to be quite low carb. That means self made low carb bread, quite a lot of chicken and meat and some tasty salads. Rich fiber and vitamins. Quite simple. Haven't felt hungry in past 25 days and I seem to lose weight quite nicely and I can do training hard so seems to be good.

Oh, my length is 191 so if someone says that 191 cm and 74 kg is too thin, then I'll say: Mario Cipollini was 190 and weight 74 and Mario Cipollini is a god.
I'm doing cardio 5 days a week now (running, rowing, cycling). I've changed my diet a bit. I'm eating bigger portions now as I felt like I didnt have enough energy.
Breakfast: Special K
Snack: 2 bananas
Lunch: Large salad with mackerel
Snack: 2 Apples
Dinner: lots of veg and chicken/fish
Plus the 2-3 litres of water I drink to.

I go to Ibiza on 16th July, then im off to Cuba on 15th Ceptember. My beer belly has pretty much gone! :D. I also used to be a 36 waist, I'm now 32 or even 30 depending on the brand.

Special K is crap. That's a breakfast cereal for people who 'think' it's gonna help them lose weight. It's still just another sugary, not gonna fill you up cereal. Eat porridge oats or some scrambled eggs for brekky. Much healthier and more filling.

P.s. There's a lot of sugar in that diet and not enough protein, I'd ditch one of the banana's and one of the apples and substitute for some protein.
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Special K is crap. That's a breakfast cereal for people who 'think' it's gonna help them lose weight. It's still just another sugary, not gonna fill you up cereal. Eat porridge oats or some scrambled eggs for brekky. Much healthier and more filling.

P.s. There's a lot of sugar in that diet and not enough protein, I'd ditch one of the banana's and one of the apples and substitute for some protein.


Are apples bad? I eat three or four per day in place of other snacks thinking they are virtually calorie free :( Just checked and an average apple is 47 calories per 100g, having weighed an apple it was 108g, prob 25% of that is not eaten. Sub 40 calories, ca 8g of carbs (sugar), doesn't sound bad?
I checked that Special K has 110 Cal per 29 g cup serving. One serving contains 0.5 g fat, 22 g carbohydrates, 2 g sugar and 5 g protein so it's not that bad if one does not add sugar into it. Eating oatsporridge is a better option though and it will keep the hunger away better than cereal.

What comes to apples it's almost impossible to make oneself fat by eating them. If one should eat 10 apples per day, it would be 400 calories and ten apples is a lot. Or get fat by eating carrots. Of course if one eats a lot of sugars and fats and then stuffes himself with apples, then it's possible but then it's not the apples that are to plame.
How's everyone doing with this....

Got on the scales on Monday night after 10 days off the gym for Glasto. I was a little surprised as the weight said YIKES YOU NEED TO DIET FATTY! but all my clothes are still fitting the same.... :? Got my skinny jeans on today and they don't feel any different to before I went.

However the hard work must now begin in earnest to shed 6lb for Ibiza. Got 8 weeks. It's do-able :D
Smashed the gym for the last time this week before Ibiza 8)...would wana go tonight but spose i best see the BF :roll: :lol:

I have a fear of scales so dont go near them :lol:

Body is trimmed n toned so im ready to compete with what i might be amongst on Bora Bora 8)
If you want to get where you want to be phyqisue wise, then you need to take nutrition seriously.

1) Eat well
2) Lift heavy
3) Run fast (sprint intervals)

These are your most effective ways of getting fit. Check out my blog for some interesting nutrition posts.

Are apples bad? I eat three or four per day in place of other snacks thinking they are virtually calorie free :( Just checked and an average apple is 47 calories per 100g, having weighed an apple it was 108g, prob 25% of that is not eaten. Sub 40 calories, ca 8g of carbs (sugar), doesn't sound bad?

The fibre in the apple also slows the release of the natural sugars preventing an insulin spike. Personally I allow myself limitless fruit and veg when cutting weight.
I have a fear of scales so dont go near them :lol:

Yeah I'm the same - if everything fits OK and I look OK in the mirror I know I'm not doing too badly. Think I've only weighed myself three times this year - always after a big holiday or event - it kinda shocks me back into eating better and training more :lol:
Yeah I'm the same - if everything fits OK and I look OK in the mirror I know I'm not doing too badly. Think I've only weighed myself three times this year - always after a big holiday or event - it kinda shocks me back into eating better and training more :lol:

I havent been on one in maybe over a year and a half...and dont plan to get on one anytime soon :lol:
I got on the scales for the first time in ages yesterday. If I fight in September I am meant to be 10st 5, I looked down at the scales and I was 11st 12. Not good!​
Scales are pointless, it's how you look that then leads to how you feel about yourself. I've not weighed myself in so long I can't remember but know when I need to work harder in the gym and when I'm happy with myself.
If you want to get where you want to be phyqisue wise, then you need to take nutrition seriously.

1) Eat well
2) Lift heavy
3) Run fast (sprint intervals)

These are your most effective ways of getting fit. Check out my blog for some interesting nutrition posts.

Can we have a link please mate?

I always find i do my best sprint intervals after a heavy weekend on the lash.
Managed 30 mins of 13kph 1min / 18 kph 2mins last night.
Need to start getting involved in heavier lifting now though.
Special K is crap. That's a breakfast cereal for people who 'think' it's gonna help them lose weight. It's still just another sugary, not gonna fill you up cereal. Eat porridge oats or some scrambled eggs for brekky. Much healthier and more filling.

P.s. There's a lot of sugar in that diet and not enough protein, I'd ditch one of the banana's and one of the apples and substitute for some protein.

Cheers for that, what would you say is a good source of protein? any tips from anyone? I still feel like I dont have enough energy in the day (yawning, feeling tired etc), maybe thats the reason why.
2 weeks in new york isnt looking promising for a weigh in when i get back wheich is annoying as was doing quite well before. Coming back for a month in august but wil have more money so gona be making my own food and get a 1 month gym membership
My hubby isnt happy with his body shape just now, he had surgery for a stomach hernia in November, and it doesnt matter how much he diets, or how hard he works out, his stomach is still swollen,
Non of his Shorts fit him now, his waist has gone from a 32 to a 34 because of the swelling.and hes not impressed, its just not going down,
Ive told him we can just buy him some more, but hes annoyed because hes been a size 32 waist all his life, and now hes gone up a size, and he doesnt like the way he looks,
I said to him, its been nearly 8 months since he had surgery, and it might just take a bit more time, but he thought it should of gone down by now ,
He said this year,he,ll keep a t,shirt on when hes on the beach , Ive told him, no-one will care what he looks like, as there will be lots of different shapes and sizes, but we,ll see what happens when we go,
I thought women were meant to be the vain ones, !!!!
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