London riots

From an AP article:
"This is the uprising of the working class. We're redistributing the wealth," said Bryn Phillips, a 28-year-old self-described anarchist, as young people emerged from the store with chocolate bars and ice cream cones.

So... is this what you warned us about, Rob? The working classes rising up to take their fair share of chocolate and ice cream?! :confused:

I am pretty sure any 28 year old called Bryn Phillips and using that kind of language is NOT going to be from the working class.

Infact here we go - a mere Google search and it throws up Bryn's anarchy page :

What an absolute c*nt - sorry for my language! I detest these middle class public schoolboy eejits who jump on the actual problems within a community and use it for their own fake "anarchy". ARRGHHH!

I agree with Buckley on this one - it's not a protest anymore, it is the scum of the earth taking advantage of the police being on the backfoot to loot and destroy property.

They're not fighting for a cause anymore, they're just robbing and stealing. That's got nothing to do with the original protest.
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Taken from another website;

The parents (who I agree are immediately to blame) are a mirror relection of the society within which we all live and form part of. We as members of that society have a collective responsibilty for all that happens.

What is happening is not legitimate protest against autocratic rule as in the middle east. Nor is it a simple issue. Our society is far more complex than that and the understandable but in my opinion erroneous view that everyone involved is an opportunistic looter is an over simplistic and superficial answer which does not look at the important underlying causes.

If you look at any society (Eastern or Asian are good examples) where the family unit and family values are strong and where there is respect for the elders, such rioting does not occur. Unfortunately, the importance of the family in many western societies especially in the UK has all but gone.

Again there are many reasons for this, including socio economic ones. It is no coincidence that these riots are occurring during harsh economic times where many frustrated and angry young people are out of work. The problem is compounded If parents are also unemployed. Opportunistic crime is always more prevalent in such conditions.

And who is to blame for this unemployment caused by the dire macro and micro economic climate that the west finds itself in today. Well it all kicked off in the US (sub prime mortgages encouraged by unregulated greedy bankers and happily sanctioned by politicians) and was exported to equally greedy and unregulated European bankers. In short, the well off became more greedy, with our governments blessings.

So many banks, companies and businesses, have since failed and unemployment in these societies has risen astronomically. The people that always get hit first and the hardest are those at the bottom of the socio economic ladder.

Please don't misunderstand or misconstrue my point. I am not some do gooder, with leftist views wishing to condone the current breakdown of law and order.Coming from a family of lawyers, I was always brought up to respect the law, and those involved deserve to be arrested and dealt with accordingly.

Indeed I fear that we have reached a stage where to do this effectively, the government may need to sanction emergency powers to our over stretched police forces. The feasability of imposing a curfew needs to be considered with arrest of anyone breaching it without lawful excuse.

Employing the military, may also need to be considered if there is any further deterioration in the violence, and the use of force against rioters and looters will have reviewed more liberally until this whole sad mess is brought under control.

But when this happens, our government needs to review its policies particularly with regard to youth unemployment. But then how do we strengthen the family and restore old fashioned family values. I am not sure I can answer that one. Indeed I am not even sure it possible to go back to those times. My view is that we as a society (including our greedy and dishonest politicians who have not set the best of examples for respect of the law) need to change our values first.

Only when we succeed in doing this occurs could it filter back through to and stregthen the family and its values.

Can anyone genuinely say the greed of politicians/ bankers and people in general is not ultimately responsible for this **** we are seeing unfold?????????
I agree with Buckley on this one - it's not a protest anymore, it is the scum of the earth taking advantage of the police being on the backfoot to loot and destroy property.

They're not fighting for a cause anymore, they're just robbing and stealing. That's got nothing to do with the original protest.

The financial institutions and politicians have been stealing from and shafting the working classes for centuries.

Lives are destroyed on a daily basis by the system but it isn't reported in glorious technicolour onto our screens on a daily basis.

I am not condoning the looting but please have a think about the bigger picture.
Im with Buckley and Becki on this its not a protest any more its mindless violence that is affecting a lot of people from the same class as the people doing carrying out the attacks.

The people who live above these shops have nothing left, i read a quote yesterday from a man who lived above the carpet shop in Tottenham who said all he has left are the clothes on his back.

The shops they attacked in Ealing where i live are all small family run business and I cant see how thats teaching the Bankers and the government a lesson.

Im all for legitimate protest but this is just stealing imo

How is this a protest:
people don't even know what they are doing it for.

I heard there was trouble in Nottingham too, which is where I have just moved away from...
They didn't manage to get into the main shopping centre, but decided to rob JD Sports.

It is really sad though all of this... these people have no pride in themselves, in their families, in their city or country. They are just utter morons.
What annoys me is, im sure most of the people doing all the looting and trashing of places have probably moaned about how this country is run and had their say about all the negative things going on, like the recession etc....but now they are just being hypercritcal and contributing towards the downwards spiral of this place :spank:

What the f**k !!! sort it out you twats!! :evil:

organised anarchy?,+rumours+and+conspiracy)
Can anyone genuinely say the greed of politicians/ bankers and people in general is not ultimately responsible for this **** we are seeing unfold?????????

In general, yes, the rich profiting from the poor being further f**ked causes unrest, but this particular reckless endangering of the innocent is neither justifed nor explained by that alone.

It seems to me that the initial incident was out of the ordinary, the media/social media has fanned the flames, but that the crucial factor is that police inaction, a failure to deal with events decisively has encouraged escalation and imitation.

As there's now a clear groundswell of support for a much harder response, we can expect genuine protest to be suffocated and the human rights of those respectful towards towards those of others to be eroded.
always someone elses fault eh? ;)

Aye when many of these people probably voted for liberal government and got a hard line conservative one in it's place:lol::lol::lol:

Anyway, hope all spotlighters and their family / friends are safe, it's easy to have a contrary view from the safety of the oirish countryside.:(
on last nights evidence, not hardline enough. Bloody Liberals.;)

Too right.

Teresa May saying today, "we don't need water cannons, we police by consent with the community"

This statement does not contain anything of any value to anyone. It's the verbal equivalent of junk mail.

Cameron needs to get rid of this hopeless piece of **** immediately.

Where's the tear gas and rubber bullets? We might have done okay without them to date but things are changing and so should the response.

It seems we can justify it in NI but not here?

If they don't come down hard on this, this will become a regular occurence.
The financial institutions and politicians have been stealing from and shafting the working classes for centuries.

Lives are destroyed on a daily basis by the system but it isn't reported in glorious technicolour onto our screens on a daily basis.

I am not condoning the looting but please have a think about the bigger picture.

This. Going to get to the stage where the thieving bankers will be earning their million pound bonuses, but will be living in gated communities. Something to look forward to. :confused:
@ We luv ibiza and Johhny vodka:

But this isn't the "Working Class' revenge" is it?

The working classes are the ones who are suffering at the hands of the mob.

Making this huge leap to blaming "The Bankers" for this is absolute nonsensical bollocks and just lends fuel to the fire that the perpetrators of the rioting and looting are not really to blame for their actions.

**** that. They are to blame personally and individually for their actions.

I could lose my business and home and i wouldn't ****ing go rioting in the street to get a new telly.

I loath the Tory government and the banking system, but they don't make me a mindless drone intent on violence.

We need to be careful not to justify the behaviours of these people, either directly or indirectly, as it will literally add fuel to the fire.
This. Going to get to the stage where the thieving bankers will be earning their million pound bonuses, but will be living in gated communities. Something to look forward to. :confused:

They are not those kids, they are our kids.

A system exists that throws wealth upwards, and in 2011 we still can not find enough of it to give people some where reasonable to live and an aspiration.

That said, we are were we are, i'm not there so send in the army if necessary.
@ We luv ibiza and Johhny vodka:

But this isn't the "Working Class' revenge" is it?

The working classes are the ones who are suffering at the hands of the mob.

Making this huge leap to blaming "The Bankers" for this is absolute nonsensical bollocks and just lends fuel to the fire that the perpetrators of the rioting and looting are not really to blame for their actions.

**** that. They are to blame personally and individually for their actions.

I could lose my business and home and i wouldn't ****ing go rioting in the street to get a new telly.

I loath the Tory government and the banking system, but they don't make me a mindless drone intent on violence.

We need to be careful not to justify the behaviours of these people, either directly or indirectly, as it will literally add fuel to the fire.

Well said spot on
@ We luv ibiza and Johhny vodka:

But this isn't the "Working Class' revenge" is it?

The working classes are the ones who are suffering at the hands of the mob.

Making this huge leap to blaming "The Bankers" for this is absolute nonsensical bollocks and just lends fuel to the fire that the perpetrators of the rioting and looting are not really to blame for their actions.

**** that. They are to blame personally and individually for their actions.

I could lose my business and home and i wouldn't ****ing go rioting in the street to get a new telly.

I loath the Tory government and the banking system, but they don't make me a mindless drone intent on violence.

We need to be careful not to justify the behaviours of these people, either directly or indirectly, as it will literally add fuel to the fire.

totally correct