London riots

Unfortunately it would appear that the thugs are playing up for the Sky TV Crew or copy cat thuggery. I'm still at a loss as to how such teenage thug's are getting away with the disorder, it seems like the Police haven't got any balls for dealing with such problematique teenagers? Can i suggest that the UK Gouvernement ask the French to help out by sending CRS Riot Police to help out then the Streets of London will soon be wiped clean of the teenage yob's. Now it's over to you.
Unfortunately it would appear that the thugs are playing up for the Sky TV Crew or copy cat thuggery. I'm still at a loss as to how such teenage thug's are getting away with the disorder, it seems like the Police haven't got any balls for dealing with such problematique teenagers? Can i suggest that the UK Gouvernement ask the French to help out by sending CRS Riot Police to help out then the Streets of London will soon be wiped clean of the teenage yob's. Now it's over to you.

police here will get demonised no matter what they eventually do or dont do. the whole countrys gone soft.
Sky News helicopter capturing the bare faced cheek in HD...

at the risk of sounding 60, where are the parents? What are they doing?!!


sat indoors, drinking, and watching it all unfold on tv... more than likely saying "my johnny would never get involved in **** like this..."
sat indoors, drinking, and watching it all unfold on tv... more than likely saying "my johnny would never get involved in **** like this..."

It is always someone else 's children

Why is the BBC calling the people burning and looting protesters?
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Seems the touch paper has been well and truly lit. Not just a matter of the government in charge in fairness. When sweets are taken away from children there are often tears, whoever the parent may be.
This isn't a protest. It'd just ****ing kids joining in, making a point because the police are doing **** all.
Looks to me like an excuse for some wanton violence and destruction .. oh - and to grab some freebies from the local store now hand-outs are being cut. Nothing whatever to do with the purported 'cause'.
I'm all for a protest but this is just youths setting fires and stealing. The protests in Spain are for a real reason without the fires and robbing.
That's Britain. Manchester, Birmingham and Liverpool piling in. We are all going to be the losers in this. Mindless desire for temporary gratification with worthless material goods. Underneath it all, says a great deal about the value systems capitalism has ultimately brought about for society. It's high time these people saw what real need means.

Unfortunatelty, I fear the worst these people face (or the best they can hope for dependng on how you look at it) is incarceration with TVs, phones and gear on tap.
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Gosh yes - very interesting point.

...and guilty as charged. :oops:

From an AP article:
"This is the uprising of the working class. We're redistributing the wealth," said Bryn Phillips, a 28-year-old self-described anarchist, as young people emerged from the store with chocolate bars and ice cream cones.

So... is this what you warned us about, Rob? The working classes rising up to take their fair share of chocolate and ice cream?! :confused:
It's not a protest. It's some vermin getting out of control because the police are scared to act/ taking the opportunity to look seriously underfunded.
Hope everyone on heres alright. Some pretty shocking scenes. Made the student riots seem somewhat sedate. And yeah, having seen the footage coming through, I too feel a bit silly encouraging the chaos in the student riots thread. Seeing banks being smashed up is a wee bit different to watching normal peoples homes, cars, workplaces livelihoods all going up in smoke. Peoples living room windows being panned in. Horrendous. This is proper anarchy.
What has this country come to :rolleyes: every year this country becomes more of a joke to me :spank:

I dont understand why people would wana get involve, ruin the place where they live, risk being arrested, risk being injured or even risk being killed - they instantly become pyschopaths :evil: then we all end up paying for the sh*t thats gone on and damage that was caused!!