London Bombers & Religion

chewie_oo7 said:
[its whether u believe or not isnt the issue. its understanding the other side! which is the point i was trying to make... unsucessfully!
No, I did understand your point, Chewie. I've studied the basics of all the main world religions at one point or other... I agree with you that you've got to know them, because it's a part of our world.
dam0 said:
I think you've stumbled on the common misconceptions surrounding suicide bombers! Not surprising when you consider this is the kind of attitude that many newspapers adopt. I dont by any means condone suicide bombing but I have never considered them 'weak' nor weak minded. If people choose to make assumptions like that then surely you are also being manipulated just as you think they have been? No doubt you heard someone say thats why they do it so you believed it. If it was easy to manipulate your opinion of them then surely it is just as easy for their people to manipulate their opinion of us? We have very different cultures and priorities. Pigeonholing terrorists as weak or stupid is not the right message to convey.
We're all manipulated in our lives. You can't live life without some trust and trust can always be violated. But you can't tell me that a strong person can be manipulated to the point that he'd blow him self up for a cause. Nothing in this world is worth that. Zero.

i have 2 belivers!

does that constitute a cult?

anyway, i sought out my Muslim friend and asked him his take on the sitch. he himself has come across these mad ranting people but said most of his community just look at them and think "tossers".

mentioned also about cutting off limbs as punishment to these people, good idea!
Morbyd said:
We're all manipulated in our lives. You can't live life without some trust and trust can always be violated. But you can't tell me that a strong person can be manipulated to the point that he'd blow him self up for a cause. Nothing in this world is worth that. Zero.

not even 72 virgins in the afterlife?

Morbyd said:
We're all manipulated in our lives. You can't live life without some trust and trust can always be violated. But you can't tell me that a strong person can be manipulated to the point that he'd blow him self up for a cause. Nothing in this world is worth that. Zero.

What makes you so sure they are being manipulated? In the massive post i made earlier, I was trying to explain that its not because they suddenly get manipulated by some evil person. Its because they believe in an ideal not what some organisation has told them. These people choose to make this sacrifice because their will is strong in what they believe in. I'm not saying a strong person has been manipulated to do so, more the opposite. The fact that they are strong willed is whats driving them to make these attacks.
dam0 said:
What makes you so sure they are being manipulated? In the massive post i made earlier, I was trying to explain that its not because they suddenly get manipulated by some evil person. Its because they believe in an ideal not what some organisation has told them. These people choose to make this sacrifice because their will is strong in what they believe in. I'm not saying a strong person has been manipulated to do so, more the opposite. The fact that they are strong willed is whats driving them to make these attacks.
Nope. Weak, because they need to believe in some grand ideal rather than just believing in themselves and their own place in this world... in the here and now and all that's real.
Morbyd said:
believing in themselves and their own place in this world... in the here and now and all that's real.

thats an ideal.... :rolleyes:

so should i moan that you follow that ideal?
an ideal is a conception of perfection, if everyone believed in themselves and their own place in this world then sure, we might live in a better place. But if everyone strictly followed one religion then it would also be a better place.
dam0 said:
an ideal is a conception of perfection, if everyone believed in themselves and their own place in this world then sure, we might live in a better place. But if everyone strictly followed one religion then it would also be a better place.

but what if yr like me and only worship Roger Sanchez? :lol:
dam0 said:
if only the world worshipped roger.... we'd live in a world of greater music :lol:
I think they call that... Nirvana :lol:

Disagree about the universal religion thing though... when all of Europe was Catholic the wars never ceased.
thats because there were two seperate groups and they werent exactly following the rules set by the church. I'm talking about if every single person followed the rules and ideals set by a religion. In christianity you have the 10 commandments etc. You'd end up with a lot of ned flanders. I'm not saying its possible in the slightest but as a concept it works. Much like our concepts of ordered society etc. In theory it works, but in practice it doesnt.

Nothing is as simple as it appears.
dam0 said:
thats because there were two seperate groups and they werent exactly following the rules set by the church. I'm talking about if every single person followed the rules and ideals set by a religion. In christianity you have the 10 commandments etc. You'd end up with a lot of ned flanders. I'm not saying its possible in the slightest but as a concept it works. Much like our concepts of ordered society etc. In theory it works, but in practice it doesnt.

Nothing is as simple as it appears.

mmmm.... interesting. live by loose moral rules?

no killing
no harming a fellow human
no tiesto

i can live with that