London Bombers & Religion

BBS said:
Buckley said:
x-amount said:
(i.e. head Muslim Honcho)

If there is such a title, I'm converting and going for it! :lol:

Can't you just settle for "head person of Irish descent honcho" :rolleyes:

I've been that for 3 yrs. It's as not satisfy having your 'followers' do your bidding if circumstances limit your bidding to "....dig a big hole there...." :lol:
You'd be MI5's worst nightmare - an Irish Muslim who wants his followers to make big holes everywhere :eek:
silvia said:
Buckley being english you should know that for some people football is a religion, and in this group of people there's a minority who will take it to the limit.

Religion, as everything in this live, if it's measured it's fine. Most universal values are into every religion

I'm half-Paddy too Sil, begorrah, bejesus, to be sure* etc so I should be a staunch Catholic.

Does no-one else see the irony that these moralistic organisations exist today because they lied, decieved and, in some cases tortured, to force their views on others?
Why do I always show up late to the best threads!? :lol:

and who was it that said "religion is the opiate of the masses"?

People need religion for 2 reasons: a) because we all inherently need something to believe in and b) because we can't come to grips with the fact that, despite all this advanced thought, we're just animals on the earth like everyone else.

My answer? For the second reason, get over yourself. For the first one, believe in yourself!!!

The basics of what's right and wrong we all know (don't kill, don't steal, etc.) and that's easy to pass on to the next generation. Everything else is a personal choice.

People who are so in need of something to believe in that they'd blow themselves up and actually believe they'll get virgins in heaven are weak. Weak people suck.
Morbyd said:
MARKB said:
Ergo: all weak people are suicide bombers??
Uh... that's like saying all canines are dogs. No, of course not.

Oooo stop being an extremist, I was just pulling your leg - I just forgot the" ;) " at the end.

These bloody russian mafia types are so touchy .......

........ ;)
Don't get me started, Mark! :twisted: :lol:

I was just reading this website on Islam that Chewie posted in another thread... how can people believe this stuff?
(Then again, I'm still wondering how I believed all the crap the Baptists taught me growing up! and don't get me going about the Mormons! :lol: )
I think it's really dangerous singling out the beliefs of others and ridiculing them.. better to stick to discussions of 'religion' in general :)
Morbyd said:
People who are so in need of something to believe in that they'd blow themselves up and actually believe they'll get virgins in heaven are weak. Weak people suck.

I think you've stumbled on the common misconceptions surrounding suicide bombers! Not surprising when you consider this is the kind of attitude that many newspapers adopt. I dont by any means condone suicide bombing but I have never considered them 'weak' nor weak minded. If people choose to make assumptions like that then surely you are also being manipulated just as you think they have been? No doubt you heard someone say thats why they do it so you believed it. If it was easy to manipulate your opinion of them then surely it is just as easy for their people to manipulate their opinion of us? We have very different cultures and priorities. Pigeonholing terrorists as weak or stupid is not the right message to convey.
Mark Sun said:
I think it's really dangerous singling out the beliefs of others and ridiculing them.. better to stick to discussions of 'religion' in general
Sorry... those were just examples. Didn't mean to single them out.

I'm an equal opportunity disbeliever. :lol:
Morbyd said:
Don't get me started, Mark! :twisted: :lol:

I was just reading this website on Islam that Chewie posted in another thread... how can people believe this stuff?
(Then again, I'm still wondering how I believed all the crap the Baptists taught me growing up! and don't get me going about the Mormons! :lol: )

its whether u believe or not isnt the issue. its understanding the other side! which is the point i was trying to make... unsucessfully!