
Haha, my Fridays are my heavier weekend night out now.
Gives me longer to recover when I do have a hard one. ;)
Whats odd is i probably said that more bluntly than i would of if one of my closest male friends didnt show mecertain txts n pics that a certain female sent him :eek: to say i was shocked and appaled is an understatement lol

No ovense taken as i see your point :)

Appalled because she was a minger:lol:, or because she'd sent the pics/texts?
What's the point in living?
I only gave up my crap to achieve my target of losing four stone before Ibiza.
Just over half way there. :)
Jeezes... i just realized how much 4 stone is - 25 kilos!

That's quite a task. Congrats on making it halfway. That's already a major victory!

I lost 11 kilos 2 years ago. It took a hell of a lot of willpower. Hard to keep it off as well.
Jeezes... i just realized how much 4 stone is - 25 kilos!

That's quite a task. Congrats on making it halfway. That's already a major victory!

I lost 11 kilos 2 years ago. It took a hell of a lot of willpower. Hard to keep it off as well.

Yus, It's alot, and sometimes difficult. But I hope the results will be worth it. :)
Well done mate it's easy to put weight on but a million times harder to lose it !! I have lost over a stone since xmas, prob due to massively cutting down on my crisp intake :)
I still have crisps and polos ;)
And large amounts of pepsi. Can't cut out all that I love, haha.

Come Easter weekend, the ban on all of that is going to be lifted, anyway :D
Whats odd is i probably said that more bluntly than i would of if one of my closest male friends didnt show mecertain txts n pics that a certain female sent him :eek: to say i was shocked and appaled is an understatement lol

No ovense taken as i see your point :)

All this sexting though seems to be the norm now dont you think?
I have a banana plus bowl of cereal for breakfast.

During the working day, I have a small kit-kat or similar (~100cals), tomato/cheese roll and 3 portions of fruit (currently 2 plums, apple and pear). With a flask of green tea, that easily does me until dinner time (which is around 5:30 for me).

I have similar to you, gotta love those low cal kit kats :lol:

I find green tea and lemon so refreshing. I drink cups of the stuff at home, I dont know if its meant to keep weight off or not but I feel like it does.
All this sexting though seems to be the norm now dont you think?

It's becoming more of the normal, from my own personal experience. However, the technology wasn't really there 10 - 15 years ago to support. It will just become the complete normal sooner or later.
It's becoming more of the normal, from my own personal experience. However, the technology wasn't really there 10 - 15 years ago to support. It will just become the complete normal sooner or later.

Yes I have to agree - seems the norm to me. Not that I go round sending photos you understand (only to the BF ;)) but it doesnt seem that out of the ordinary or that bizarre if you know what I mean......
I drink loads of green tea, mainly coz I like it rather than for the health claims. Would normally be my first choice of soft drink - probably have at least 6 mugs a day.

I was on the chunky kit-kats (the king of choccy bars IMO) for breaks recently, but that had to stop when i noticed weight creeping on.
Just wait, one day, relationships will exist entirely in the virtual world. Then there will be no need for meeting in person. We'll all become fat oafs while our virtual selves will be our own perfect images.

Wait, that sounds like a film.