
I ve given up sex...

oh no wait, i jst aint getting none :lol: haha

Sucks don't it? or not, as the case is ;)

My vices haven't changed that much... actually, I guess they have. lol... used to go out drinking most weeks, and eat crap most days. baw :(
makes me want a bag of mini eggs... ugh I hate comfort eating!
The weird thing about sex is when you have it on tap, it becomes quite unimportant. But when you're not getting it, it seems like the most important thing in the world.
Yea, I know what you mean.
Then again, I've had a pretty crappy love life for the last year and a half, so I guess I'm really noticing being single now. :rolleyes:
I think the only thing that makes me question my otherwise happy single self, is the garanteed sex you get in a relationship!

:lol: I'm actually mostly happy being single, as I have loads of interests and enough friends. Sex is the main thing that makes me think about relationships.
:lol: I'm actually mostly happy being single, as I have loads of interests and enough friends. Sex is the main thing that makes me think about relationships.

I enjoyed being single, it gives you a freedom to travel and do things on the spur of the moment. I don't rue being married but being single had it's benefits. I would not have traveled and seen the things I had if I was in a relationship. You need to find a sex buddy and your life will be sorted.
I enjoyed being single, it gives you a freedom to travel and do things on the spur of the moment. I don't rue being married but being single had it's benefits. I would not have traveled and seen the things I had if I was in a relationship. You need to find a sex buddy and your life will be sorted.

I hope the above sentences dont come out on your date, or you are in trouble my friend :lol:

Hmmm. I know. It's really hard to know whether you want to be single or in a relationship, but I think it would take someone to really impress me before I'd be 100% happy giving up my freedom. I'm the sort of person who needs space...

You need to find a sex buddy and your life will be sorted.

Been there, done that, but I don't think women are as much into that idea as us blokes are. :lol:

Fruit/veg should be more satiating than other foods.

I'm trying to lose a small amount of weight, so am watching what I eat. Most fruit is okay, bar grapes. 350 cals in a big bunch. :eek:

I love fruit/veg. I'm actually vegetarian 3 days a week (NY resolution). That said, i also love a bloody steak. :twisted:

Going back to food - what would you suggest for at work when you get the munchies and dont want to reach for that kitkat but have eaten a ton of fruit already? :confused:
i think some of are! i think where it all goes wrong is when people aren't clear about their 'intentions'

Amen to that, jesus if blokes were honest with me from either the start or a few weeks down the line, i might be happily engaged or preggers :rolleyes:

actually scrap that, thank f**k they wernt :lol:
Going back to food - what would you suggest for at work when you get the munchies and dont want to reach for that kitkat but have eaten a ton of fruit already? :confused:

Nuts, within reason they are good for you, just don't eat a whole catering size bag.
Some girls are dirty wh*res and are happy to just have sex, so you blokes really have to be a good judge of character to gather what short a female is, but i hope i speak for most girls and say alot of us dont 'just' want sex but the security of a bloke in your life.

Id be happy with a part time bf...fridays and sundays to be precise :lol:
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