
I had a blip the beginning of march when I decided to have some chocolate. but only had a bit (Well, two bags of mini eggs... they are my guilty pleasure).

Plus, carrying on with the lack of alcohol drinking and continuing in the gym will continue to erode my alcohol tolerance. Meaning it's far cheaper to get wasted in Ibiza when I finally get out there in 3 months. ;)
The gf and i cooked up a storm in the kitchen last saturday, bought 2 massive steaks and a load of veg, what made it was these banging vine tomatoes and asparagus we did with it, was deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelish...not to mention the new potatoes, bread mushrooms, normal mushrooms and cheesy garlic bread...oh followed my jam rolly polly and custard, to say we felt slightly stuffed after is an understatment :lol:
2 massive steaks and a load of veg, what made it was these banging vine tomatoes and asparagus we did with it, was deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelish...not to mention the new potatoes, bread mushrooms, normal mushrooms and cheesy garlic bread...oh followed my jam rolly polly and custard,

sounds yum.... i feel for those that are trying to give up any of these things for LENT!!
I'd be lost without steak, and all other forms of meat.
I'd probably starve to death :(
How people can be vegeterains is beyond me :rolleyes:

I've found the leap from one veggie day a week to three quite easy. My favourite during the week veggie dishes are mushrooms/garlic/cream/parsley/parmesan with pasta, and veg stir fry with lots of chilli,garlic, ginger, sesame oil and soy sauce. When I have more time, I do a mean spinach souffle, pizza (with homemade base & sauce) or quiche/tart. It's often my veggie dishes that most impress people when I have them round for dinner. I probably appreciate meat and fish more now when I have them too.

I should say that the days I do eat meat or fish, 99% of the time it's just at one meal, so really just four portions a week.
Hehe!! It's like a non-smoker once said to me about quiting: "it's easy, just dont put fags in your mouth!"
As noted above, I'm not good at denying myself things I like.
These include smoking, drinking and eating meat.
Let's face it... life without them is just plain boring :lol:
What's the point in living?
I only gave up my crap to achieve my target of losing four stone before Ibiza.
Just over half way there. :)
I ve given up sex...

oh no wait, i jst aint getting none :lol: haha

Me neither - but hopefully that might change soon. :lol:

No need for me to do lent - I've cut wayyy back on drugs this year (only 2 sessions so far), doing the veggie thing as described previously, seem to be settling into a better exercise routine and am managing to cut what I drink in the house (if not by quite the target amount). Not many vices left. :(