
Haha, well Judgement sunday falls on easter Sunday in Leeds. I'm curious to see what it'll be like, not done one before. Jules has been, well, crap the last two years, but I used to like him... maybe he can restore my faith.

Lent started 9th March
oh dear, well it began last wednesday (or the wdnesday before??) and ends easter sunday......

if you missed the start date but still want to join in the fun you could always start now and end at a Judgement Sunday, marvelous idea in my opinion!

Right, it has now since come to light that its something associated with religion, hence why i didnt have a scooby do about it.

In a nutshell - Religion to me, means f**k all, if you take offense to that i wont apologise as its my opinion.
Don't think anyone here does. I certainly don't, as I'm of the same opinion. :)

Was spoonfed it until I was older, now I longer practice as I made my own choices. And if I did, I'd be going to hell for what I've done in the last few years :lol: .
....and i'm pretty sure a lot of people doing lent are far from reliegious, just a way to prove to yourself you can give something up for 40 days!! i personally am completely useless at this, so gave up lent a few years back!
Yup! i dont know whats wrong with me, soon as i say im giving something up i just end up wanting it uncontrolably - happened with chocolate one year and resulted in me going up a dress size! so no more lent!
Haha, yea. I find myself craving things like choclate (gave it up at new year actually...).
But I quell it by eating sweets still. :lol:
Right, it has now since come to light that its something associated with religion, hence why i didnt have a scooby do about it.

In a nutshell - Religion to me, means f**k all, if you take offense to that i wont apologise as its my opinion.

Lent I just to make sure there is none on my clothes before I go out. :lol:;)(Lint)
I actually "gave up" alcohol unintentially at the start of this year, was working so much that i just didnt have to time to drink for nearly 2 months! so i had about 3 "social" drinks during this time, but that was it. Think it's much easier when your not trying. Down side of it is now when i drink i just get really bad headaches, hhm :-(
That's both good and bad. I barely went out in the first two months.
When I did, I drove to make sure I wouldn't drink and save a small fortune on taxis. :)
....and i'm pretty sure a lot of people doing lent are far from reliegious, just a way to prove to yourself you can give something up for 40 days!! i personally am completely useless at this, so gave up lent a few years back!

That's what I'm doing... not really doing it for religious purposes but more so to give something up for a while and see if I can stick to it. My sacrifice is relatively easy - cheese :p

I was going to give up alcohol but I'm going on holiday next weekend and that would be stupid to expect me to not drink any cocktails whilst lying on the beach 8) Although after the boozy weekend I've just had I wish I did give up alcohol! Spent an absolute fortune and the only thing I got out of it was a damaged liver and a cold :spank: :cry:

Doing ok on the no-cheese ban so far. Suprising how many things I normally eat have cheese in and I've had to say "no" to them.... pizza / pasta's / Cheesy Moments in the pub :lol:
Its an odd thing giving something up, because it just makes you want it more because you cant have it :rolleyes:

Once the temptation is removed that makes it a hell of alot easier :D
It's like people who go on diets which cut out almost all their 'junk' food, and then wonder why they can only last a week.
always makes me chuckle when people say they're on a diet and the go eat their body wheight in fruit, noooooo!!

hahaha theres a girl like that in my office, i have been here 5 years and shes been on a diet for the last 4 year....but still wolfs down fruit like its going to run out :rolleyes: and low and behold shes no smaller than when she started...

People can be very ignorant towards dieting, does somewhat irritate me
hahaha theres a girl like that in my office, i have been here 5 years and shes been on a diet for the last 4 year....but still wolfs down fruit like its going to run out :rolleyes: and low and behold shes no smaller than when she started...

People can be very ignorant towards dieting, does somewhat irritate me

Fruit never fills me up I have to say but I feel good eating it 8)
It's meant to symbolize the 40 days and 40 nights that Jesus (a man who may or may not exist) spent fasting in a desert. at least, that's how it was sold to me when I was younger
I don't think the existence of Jesus of Nazareth is in question. The question relates to the religious allegedly based on his teachings!

I don't buy it... thus no lent for me.

I don't really believe in denying yourself things you want for the heck of it. You will pry my lager from my cold dead hands :lol: