kacke - alles geklaut !

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am salinas haben geschäftsleute jetzt zwischen 11.00 und 19.00 uhr
einen privaten sicherheitsdienst engagiert,
u.a. auch um die angestiegene zahl der diebstähle einzudämmen.
vor kurzem wurden am salinas an nur einem tag 6 autos aufgebrochen ! ! !



...da lob ich mir meine familienmitglieder auf'm parkplatz in der stadt, immer ein auge offen, für 1 oder 2 oder 3 oder.... euronen.....:lol:
Assault in San Carlos

Two masked men entered a house in the countryside near San Carlos last week,
although they eventually escaped with nothing after being disturbed by the owner
of the property, a German lady.

One of the assailants marched her upstairs to a bedroom,
where his partner was trying to break the wall to release a safe.

She told them that it did not contain any money, but they soon found papers
giving details of the correct code to open it.
However, as it had been tampered with, they were unsuccessful, and they left
empty-handed, having tied the old lady to her bed.

Although the men spoke Spanish with the victim, between themselves
they were speaking a different language, probably Arabic.

The house is in an isolated spot with the only neighbours in the area spending
a very short time each year on the island, and for this reason they were not
in residence at the time of the incident.
The Ibiza Experience

One of the nicest things about living on Ibiza is that you meet some really
lovely people, as we did recently.
Originally from the North East of England, they now live & work in Dubai.
They wanted to enjoy the ‘Ibiza Experience' for their wedding.

A beautiful Finca in the remote countryside, hired for the week to accommodate family
& friends, it also provided a stunning shaded area under trees to hold the peaceful,
open air, natural ceremony.
The wedding was delightful; a dream realised; the Ibiza experience!
They found it expensive, even by Dubai standards.
But hey, they earn big bucks, they can afford to go wherever they like.
No cheapo all-inclusive deal, these guys spent some serious cash here.

Sadly there was a rude awakening.

All packed, ready to drive all the hire cars in convoy back to the airport,
they decided to pop out for one last ice cream together.

Less than an hour later they all returned to find the Finca ransacked.
Every item of value had been stolen; cameras, lap-tops, money, wedding presents……

The most heart-breaking was undoubtedly the loss of the video footage
and photographs of their wonderful ‘Ibiza Experience'.

They called the police, who were in their words ‘not helpful at all'.
Unhelpful and disinterested.
In other words, as I found when I was a crime victim,
they were about as useful as a rubber banana.

We heard about that last day in a subsequent email.
As I read it, I wondered what happened to the much heralded “Tourist Police?”
Certainly I've never seen one.
More tax-payers money down the drain! Or maybe they are the ones who drive around
the beach resorts in their new 4WDs ogling the girls and glaring at the tourists?

Other countries have Tourist Police, and guess what? They do their job!
Out and about, they make themselves highly visible, are pro-active in looking
after tourists, warning about hot-spots for pick-pockets etc.
and actually speaking the languages of the tourists!!

So, now we have twenty people back home, all telling their families, neighbours,
and friends about their Ibiza Experience.

They won't be coming back….
Their big bucks will go where they are appreciated and looked after,
not just exploited.
I don't suppose all those people they told will come here either,
no matter how big the marketing spend!
(ibiza-sun/ from our readers/Big Bonzo)

Der niederländische Fußballprofi Wesley Sneijder wurde auf Ibiza bestohlen

4. August 2010

Mehr als 70.000 Euro an Geld und Schmuck erbeuteten die Diebe aus dem Safe des 26-jährigen. Sie waren Sonntagnacht in das Haus des Fußballspielers auf der Baleareninsel eingedrungen. Sneijder hatte insgesamt 12 weitere Gäste in seinem Haus untergebracht, darunter auch der Ex-Fußballspieler Patrick Kluivert. Keiner von ihnen befand sich jedoch zum Zeitpunkt des Diebstahls im Haus, das die Täter vorher beobachtet hatten. In dem Safe, den die Diebe aufbrachen, befanden sich Schmuckstücke im Wert von 60.000 Euro sowie 14.000 Euro und 3.000 Dollar in Bar.

Ich dachte bisher, nur noch die Russen laufen auf IBZ mit so viel Schmuck & Cash rum. :lol:

Ich dachte bisher, nur noch die Russen laufen auf IBZ mit so viel Schmuck & Cash rum. :lol:
ibiza ****ing criminal island:
unglaublich, die waren grad erst am 3.8. eingezogen in ihre mietvilla in cala salada.
man kann jedem inzwischen nur abraten ein haus auf ibiza ohne security zu mieten.
besser unauffällig wohnen im hotel oder appartment ...

aber die ca. 70.000 hätt ich auch gern ;)
Armed Robberies

This week details concerning several high-profile burglaries on the island
were finally revealed.

The gang of armed villains first struck some ten days ago and in just three days
have managed to steal cash and belongings in excess of €300,000.

The first robbery took place in the exclusive es Cubells area with a resident confirming
to the Guardia Civil that €200,000 had been stolen from his safe, although,
on closer inspection, the lock had not been forced.
The identity of the owner of the property was not revealed although he was said
to work in the fashion industry.

An hour and a half later three hooded men gained entry to a house in Can Germà,
San Antonio, and threatened the owner with a gun, taking an unspecified quantity
of money, together with a Mercedes car.
Using the stolen vehicle, the gang then entered a house near the Fire Station
close to San Rafael, locking a lady and her young daughter in a bedroom
before making off with €80,000; the Mercedes was left outside the premises.

Two days later a robbery took place in a warehouse in the Montecristo Industrial Estate,
and a further attempt was made in another warehouse in San Rafael, although this time
they were not successful with the thieves leaving empty-handed.

The following day the small sub post office in San Rafael was the scene
of a further robbery, but from the modus operandi, it does not appear to be
the work of the same people, and the haul did not amount to more than €100.

Both the Guardia Civil and the San Antonio Town Hall were said to be
very worried about this spate of robberies, as most of them occurred in that borough.
ibiza immer abge****ter !
was für ein dreckspack macht sich da immer breiter ?
bald berliner verhältnisse ?

Gestohlene Luxuskarosse in Brand gesteckt
Audi R8 mit Martkwert von 120.000 Euro

Nach einer kurzen Spritztour mit einem gestohlenen Audi R8 haben zwei Männer
die Luxuslimousine am Donnerstag in Sant Josep in Brand gesteckt.

Nach Polizeiangaben beobachte ein Anwohner in es Cubells, wie zwei Männer
mit weißen Handschuhen sich an dem weißen Audi R8 – Marktwert zirka 120.000 Euro –
zu schaffen machten.
Kurz darauf fuhren sie mit hoher Geschwindigkeit davon.

Noch ehe die Polizei eine Fahndung einleiten konnte,
wurde die Nobelkarosse brennend am Straßenrand entdeckt.

Die Behörden gehen davon aus, dass die Diebe das Fahrzeug in Brand gesteckt hatten.
Die Fahndung nach den beiden Tätern läuft noch.


A couple of little S*its (pardon my language) decided to robb me on my way back to my hotel from Bora Bor yesterday. It was quite early. There were 3 of them, I was speaking to one of the them (as you do) then another two ran past and grabbed my wallet. Swines. Anyway, of course I gave chase (had quite a bit of energy after being at Bora Bora) which resulted in me falling several times. Onlookers ignored my "stop thief" pleas and eventually they got away. Anywayy, I find them at a car on the main street. I gave hem the option of giving me back my wallet otherwise I'd go the police. At this point they got nervous and got into their car and drove away (almost running me over in the process). I remembered the number plate (apart from the last number) and got my hotel to call the police. The police were little help saying that as I didnt have the full number there was nothing they could do - lasy barstewards. Anyway after all the falls I can barely move today and as a result I am shacked up in my hotel unable to go to Space - fuming. Hopefully I'll make DC10 tomorrow but not at the current rate of pain I wont. So at least two days of my break ruined. My only regret was I did just attack them when I had them at the car - there were 3 of them.

Ironically, I was heading home as I had run out of cash and thankfully I took all my cards out of my wallet previously so did not lose much other than the number of a fit burd I met a Bora Bora - more angry about that than anything!

They were English so presumably the car was hired so I cant see how the police would not have traced it. Anyway life goes on - no point about dwelling over it.

So, be careful!
:evil: :spank:
Robberies from Cars

Police detained a total of eight people last week for various car related thefts.

In Cala d'Hort two men were seen breaking the window of a Volkswagen to steal articles,
and were caught while trying to make their getaway after they spotted police officers close by.
One of the men was captured immediately and the other took off in a Skoda,
but skidded off the road and was arrested.
A lady arrived, claiming that the car was hers and that they had stolen the keys
from her bag while she was on the beach.
These two men were Moroccan, as were two others who forced the lock of a car parked
near Cala Gracioneta to steal a room key.
Their actions were witnessed by CCTV cameras when they used the key to enter a room
in the Stella Maris complex, where they proceeded to rob money, jewellery and other articles
to the value of more than €5,000.

Again in the borough of San Antonio, near the es Pouet beach,
three Rumanian men were detained inside a Fiat Punto in possession of stolen articles.
Workers on the beach had reported to the police that robberies had taken place
in vehicles parked nearby.

Finally, a Spanish man was caught on CCTV cameras when he forced the lock of a car
in the new parking facility in es Pratet, Ibiza Town.

Diebstähle auf Parkplätzen
Polizei nimmt acht Verdächtige fest

Die Polizei hat in den vergangenen Tagen insgesamt acht Personen festgenommen,
die unter dem Verdacht stehen, Autos auf Parkplätzen an Stränden aufgebrochen
und Wertgegenstände entwendet zu haben.

Nach Behördenangaben griffen die Beamten in Cala d'Hort, es Pouet, Cala Bassa
und auf dem Parkplatz es Pratet (ehemals Stierkampfarena) in Eivissa zu.

In den meisten Fällen hatten Rettungsschwimmer und Badegäste die Polizei
auf die Präsenz von verdächtigen Personen hingewiesen.
Die Festgenommenen werden in diesen Tagen dem Haftrichter vorgeführt.
..wenn die Leute nicht diese leckarschHaltung hätten, dann würde einiges anders laufen können....

andererseits, wenn viele Leute nicht immer so 'nen breiten machen würden, und auf "haste was, biste was"& "hau raus was geht" machen, dann würde sich das Problem reduzieren. Neid erweckt immer Begehrlichkeiten....
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....der Parklatz am Weg zu " psssst " Atlantis, ist auch total uebersaet mit Scherben von eingeschlagenen Autoscheiben :evil:
..wenn die Leute nicht diese leckarschHaltung hätten, dann würde einiges anders laufen können....

andererseits, wenn viele Leute nicht immer so 'nen breiten machen würden, und auf "haste was, biste was"& "hau raus was geht" machen, dann würde sich das Problem reduzieren. Neid erweckt immer Begehrlichkeiten....

:spank: Ich bin auch Neidisch auf Leute mit ner Millionen auf dem Konto und gehen ich denen jetzt aufs Maul hauen ?!

Nein ! Warum ? weil ich nicht bekloppt bin und Achtung von anderen und deren Besitz habe.

Die Leute haben keine Achtung und denen ist das egal wenn Sie abzocken ob Reich ob Arm, hauptsache sich fremde Sachen aneignen.
Rumäne mit zwölf Identitäten
Polizei nimmt mutmaßlichen Räuber zum 20-mal fest :spank:

Ein 21-jähriger Rumäne ist zu Wochenbeginn in Eivissa von der Polizei
zum 20ten-mal in diesem Sommer festgenommen worden.

Ein Ladenangestellte hatte den jungen Mann und seinen zwei Kumpanen
wiedererkannt und die Polizei alarmiert.
Wegen mutmaßlichen Raubes und Diebstahls wurden die Männer
dem Haftrichter vorgeführt.

Bei einer Wohnungsdurchsuchung bei den Verdächtigen stellte die Polizei
zwölf Ausweise sicher, die auf verschiedenen Namen ausgestellt waren.

heute im diariodeibiza grosser bericht über raubserie auf ibiza diesen sommer,
der auch viele prominente (vom fussballer bis zum dior-chef) zum opfer gefallen sind !

... ibiza inzwischen anlaufstelle diverser internationaler banden ...
... DUTZENDE häuser diesen sommer ausgeraubt ...
... manche banden überfallen häuser sogar dann, wenn sie wissen,
dass die anwohner anwesend sind ...
:evil: :spank:

Einbruchserie in La Marina
Händler fodern mehr Polizeipräsenz in ihrem Viertel

Unter den Geschäftsleuten des Viertels La Marina in Eivissa geht die Angst um.

Nach Aussage des Vorsitzenden des örtlichen Händlerverbands nahm die Zahl
der Einbrüche in den vergangenen Woche noch einmal zu.

"Einbrüche gab es auch während der Sommersaison,
aber in den letzten Tagen ist es noch schlimmer geworden",
sagte Ramón Cabello am Donnerstag.

Die Stadtverwaltung sei bereits über die Sorgen der Händler informiert worden.
Weil sich bislang nichts zum Besseren gewendet hätte, so Cabello, werde man
um ein Gespräch mit der Verteterin der Zentralregierung auf den Pityusen,
Sofia Hernanz, bitten.
Sie fordern mehr Polizeipräsenz in ihrem Viertel.

Villa xxx, Ibiza - A haven for THIEVES!!

Just want to say i had the most horrific experience in Ibiza! The villa xxx looks very much the part on the web sight and when we arrived it seemed to mirror our expectations... we had a lovely 1st day... until we got burgled on the 2nd night of out 'holiday'!

Apparently the villa has been burgled numerous times (it didn't say anything about this on the reviews!!!)

If anyone wants a review on Villa xxx then here it is...! Its a honey trap for thieves... in the middle of no where and at night its pitch black... we was burgled when we ever had a security guard watching the premasis!? The pathetic excuse of a security guard claims that he never heard a thing.. he never seen the robbers take two suitcases full of clothes, shoes, electrical items....mobile phones and 2 laptops... oh and not to mention the speakers and decks we hired... (this was all out of the top window down a ladder) not even spiderman could do that without letting some one hear... inside job 10000000% set up ... they also took over almost 5 thousand in euros...

After the villa was burgled and we knew it was the security guard we asked the villa manager xxx to help us out by ringing the security guard to get more information (he was about as much use as a chocolate kettle..) wouldnt be suprised if he put them on to us and got a back hander off the whole thing!!

The burglers came back the 2nd night i was in bed with my boyfriend and another couple was in the villa at this point also... i heard the bathroom window opening i went and closed it ..two lads was spotted in the grounds of the villa one of the lads ran after them up the path way... the lad that scared them off was on his way out so it was fate that he was actually still there... other wise god only know what could/would have happened! I rang 112 the local security number... and was frantically asking for help and the guardia... they said that they couldnt come and i was to report this in the morning (mortified) no help from anyone... if that was the 999 over here they would have someone there immedietly tracing the call... etc etc... in spain they are all useless you can get raped murdered and robbed what ever... and no one will give a monkey (and even more so if your english)

The truth is the villas are ALL on top for being robbed so i suggest if your going to go in one take nothing youre going to miss because it will grow legs when your on a night out! hated it... everything stolen... months of saving up and then taken when you get back from a night out... No sign of forced entry...so obviously its the security guard and an inside job..

After we was burgled and then they came back the 3rd night we was off... we booked in to a hostel for 6 nights, so wasted another £200 on booking extra accomodation because i didnt feel safe here... shouldnt be doing that when you pay £3000 for a villa for 8days! didnt feel safe what so ever!!

Id rather stay in faulty towers than get a villa again... WASTE OF MONEY and then what ever money you have left gets ROBBED anyway...

Einbruchswelle in Sant Jordi
Behörden haben Polizeipräsenz vestärkt

Anwohner und Firmen zwischen Can Cifre und Can Bellotera (Sant Jordi)
sind besorgt über die Zunahme von Einbrüchen in den vergangenen Wochen.

Ein Polizeisprecher bestätigte am Montag, es werde davon ausgegangen,
dass eine Bande hinter den Einbrüchen stecke.

Die Beute, darunter Bargeld aus aufgebrochenen Tresoren, Schmuck und
Wertgegenstände, belaufe sich auf schätzungsweise 400.000 Euro.

Die Delegierte der Zentralregierung auf den Pityusen, Sofia Hernanz,
ordnete bereits eine verstärkte Polizeipräsenz in den betroffenen Vierteln an.

