gday, names andy, 1st time in ibiza last yr, really great time, up there with the best of my life and will b until newcastle win sum silverwear or j-lo dumps affleck and turns up on my doorstep. goin again in august, I know its a little2busy for the purists but i got a tip off that the radio1 roadshow was goin2be in august so booked early2get cheap tickets, anyway enuff bout me
Hi everyone, I'm Becky, the FLASHER!!

I've already posted a couple of messages, but I'll introduce myself anyways. My name is Becky, I'm 20 and I'm from Toronto Canada. I go to school full time and I live for dancing. I'm the kind of girl that every other girl hates because I wear the skimpiest outfits (ie bra's and bikini tops). Anyways, I'm going to try to make it to Ibiza in the summer time, probally mid July.

I went to Spain once two years ago with my fiancee, I just fell in love with everything about the country. The easy going life, the culture, and best part, a girl can wear whatever she wants and doesn't get called those charming names.
Hi I'm Helen and I've just turned 30, I've been to Ibiza 5 times and will be returning for a 6th visit this July. I'm staying in Playa D'en Bossa with my boyfriend Ric although there will be a big group of 20 of us on the island (down from last years 26).

This year I'm going to take it easy and do a lot more exploring and chilling out and only plan on visiting Crasher, Cream (spot the trance addict) and Sunday at Space clubs least that's the plan :)
my name is carla, I´m 18 years old, I´m from valladolid (spain) and I don't even know ibiza, but I hope to be able to go in little time, I am attracted a lot to go for that I have seen for internet and that the people have told me.
that I like?
internet, the art, to travel, the night (party).... ufff and I can continue!
Hello All

Havent been back to Ibiza since 99 when I had 5 magical months out there. Within two weeks of being there I'd met rich the pirate who told me about this mountain party and oh what a party it was, walking down a mountain pilled up, pissed up and following two geezers with back packs moving there torch back and forth cos it was pitch black and it werent a big path after half hour of walking we heard the music 15 minutes later we were there and it was amazing, not as amazing as when the sun came up over the med and we were dancing on a flat bit sticking off the side of this mountain. It was middleof july 99 if anyone was there and took pictures hey its a long shot but you never no.

4 years is to long to have been away so i will be returning in the next few weeks, hope to seee some of you there.

bye bye

Hello everybody!

My name is Ryan and I just turned 28. I live in LA and work as a Regional Manager for an electronics company. I have been checkin out this site for years, always interested in how the other side of the world has fun, communicates, and gets their party on. I finally cashed in my frequent flyer miles and will be talking my GF and myself to Spain and Ibiza this July for 2 weeks. I love music (I dj in my spare time), beautiful scenery, and cool peeps...

I am very excited to visit - it's my first time to Europe. We will be staying at Es Vive hotel.

We will be straight off the plane from LA, I got my Bucci bag, and I WILL BE READY TO........ROCK!
Hi Everyone :)

I'm Adam and I'm an Alcoholic hahaha (yes I'm also a unfunny twat)

I've visited the beautiful Island of Ibiza, every summer for the past 3 years. It truley is an amazing experiance nothing comes close to it well except for Music festivals but they don't last 5 months.

Every year I whinge about how shite San An is but every year I end up staying there just because its so much cheaper.

Hopefully see u all at the end of June

x x x
Hi I'm Jim, 24 and from Leeds

I've decided I'm packing my bags and heading to Ibiza for the first time. I am going to be there hopefully for about three months.

I do genuinely like a hell of a lot of music and have over 2000 records, ranging from the old classic US house from Marshall Jefferson, Richie Rich and Farley 'Jackmaster' Funk. through old skool hardcore (Acen, Subbase stuff) & drum & bass, to Dutch gabber (Ha Ha!)

Only thing I have never got into really is most Trance stuff, but I do like hardhouse at the right moment

I want desperately to see Carl Cox this summer, as I've never seen him before, and have wanted to for 11 years, and MAW, because I've seen them before and they were superb.

So I'm just heading out, to Mallorca for a stag night with the boys, and then getting a ferry across on about May 20th.

With a bag of old skool - see if I can get any work - if not I'll be behind a bar somewhere!!

See You There!
Second Time Posting

hi all. name is charles. from san francisco but live in chicago. headed to ibiza for the first time with one of my best friends from ny. june 13-21. my first post i asked about hotels and because of someone's advice we booked a room at es vive. been following the thread for the last three weeks as we get ready to go. really looking forward to it. we are two old timers. myself 34, my friend 32 but we enjoy ourselves. looking forward to our trip. thanks everyone for all the info and positive vibrations. i am really looking forward to it. love to all.

James livin in sunny Hull. Going back to Ibiza for a tenth anniversary type thing with a couple of mates this year 22 June! I see carnage on the horizon! :p
Going again in september for some closing parties.
This site has seriously dammaged my productivity at work. Keep up the good work fella.

i'm 25 years old and hope to be calling myself a student for the last year now. i've been to ibiza 6 times for holidays and once i had a flat in eivissa for half a year with some friends. was pretty cool, as one can imagine.

the bad thing about ibiza is that it keeps me from travelling to other cool places in the world. somehow i'm cursed to come again every year - at least once per summer...

i know for sure that it's not (primary) the big clubs that make me return every year. it's something else... i'm searching for places with a cool atmosphere. everybody who has been to the particular bar or kumharas knows what i mean. i think house or chill-out tunes in the sun till dusk is somehow magic.

BUT: i don't like the latest developments on the island. why do places like km 5 or morgana have problems with the police? why did particular bar close down? i don't know enough about how things really work on ibiza, but some locals told me that it's the big club owners that rule (ruin?) the island...

i'll be there in mid june. CU!
Im Steve, live and work in Middlesbrough although am from Wallasey (Merseyside). I'm 25 years old and live with my girlfriend.

I am looking forward to going to Ibiza for the third time this year. Will be there for the last week of June. Looking forward to the sun, sea, sand and .......sangria.

Will be going on a toned down lads holiday (only 2 of us). Will be staying in San An Bay so anyone want to meet up for a corking night out then get in touch.

Hope to see you all out there soon.

hi i am sean from belfast i first viusited ibiza in 2000 and i can honestly say it is heaven on earth i can't see myself going on a summer holidasy to any other destination 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)

My name is Ruth i am 23 years old and live in Leeds. Ive been to ibiza 5 times and love it to bits, last June i met my boyfriend out there who lives there so i'll be back n forth over there all summer. Next visit is in 10 days! Yipee! :D
Ermm .. ooh hello !

I'm bubbling with excitement at the thought of a week in Ibiza ... Not been since 1982 !! ( Ok ok ... I'm OLD ! )

I don't really wanna bore ya all poopless with stuff about me ... am sure you will find out in the days to come as I get more and more excited about my forthcoming trip and therefore post extensive random questions ...

Saffy xx
Hi. my name's Pete and I'm 28 I've been going to Ibiza for about 6 or 7 years now. I got Engaged to Sar, my wife outside Cafe Del Mar on Milenium Eve.
We are going over for 2 weeks from 15.05.03 and are off to Space on the 22.05.03 for our anivercery.
i'm karl 34,married to mary for 14 years ,4 kids natasha 12,natalie 11,tom 9,shannon 8. we live between doncaster and barnsley in south yorks
i work in london for a vip car service supplying mercedes to companys (basically a upmarket minicab service).iam a controller and work 7 days off 7 days on so i get to spend lots of time with my family..
returning to ibiza for the second time ...june 4th for 2 weeks staying all inclusive but have already hired a car from for the first week so will be eating out and seeing alot of la isla bonita.....if u see a tall fat fella in a fiat multipla with 4 kids and a stressed out wife between 4th to 18th say ello its prob me :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
hey karl,

sounds like I will be living fairly near you soonish, in between Balby/ Tickhill.

Have a great holiday.

It Just WHO I AM

This is DJ_Sunset (22/m) just kick'n it down in the USAss.

Y0 to all those clubber's out there that are keep'n this s*hit real. and to any of you that are headed out to Ibiza don't forget me. Unfortunately i will not be attend'n Ibiza this year.


So, while i am spinn'n my shit in the US this summer take a toke for me!!!! and don't be stingy!

Peace out Ibiza
This is DJ_Sunset kick'n it everyday between dawn and dusk.