Hi im Davey im 23 and from Durham in the north east of England. I work for a large business services company (yes it is as boring as it sounds!) and I cant wait to get out to Ibiza!
Ive been into the clubbing scene for about 3 years now, unfortunatly although this will be my 3rd time in Ibiza im treating it as my first. When I was young and stupid I thought clubbing was going to a drunken cheese fest and falling asleep in a kebab shop at 2 in the morning and I thought Ibiza was spending 2 weeks in the west end with the occasional visit to Eden!
Thankfully about 2 years ago I went to Shindig in Newcastle for the first time and my eyes where opened

litraly! Since then ive loved REAL dance music, made Shindig my spiritual home and for the first time since my 'awakening' (making myself sound all mystical now lol) im going back to Ibiza to do it properly.
Ive been looking through spotlight forums for a couple of weeks now and thought I had better join in. Cheers, Davey.