In 2011, I must...

But not the thought of animals being force fed and/or drugged to make them bigger, plumper, meatier, whatever? I guarantee meat you eat has had that done.

Not me mate I buy all mine from a butcher that gets it all from proper farms no supermarket plumping up for me!

I like my meat to have a nice life as it makes it taster!

I eat meat and i would be happy to do the dirty work myself if I needed too, its only fair imo
I reiterate - either you eat meat, or you don't. The line that divides more humane killing from less humane killing is thin and variable!

There is a world of difference between an animal being held in a solitary position for the entireity of its life, being force fed and then slaughtered than an animal that has enjoyed at least some freedom before being slaughtered. Obviously this is my opinion as it is yours there is little or no difference. You simply cannot state as fact that if you cared about animals you wouldn't eat meat.

By heck my free range eggs and beef tomato lunch is grand:D:D
Ah.... but do you ever eat out :?:

You can't ALWAYS check everything you eat though can you? It's like I'm sure vegetarians inevitably sometimes eat food with animal products in it.

If you live your life by following your principles that's the key thing IMO. There's no point continuously trying to disprove people by saying this kinda stuff. :rolleyes:
I do but Then I have no say in where they get their meant from have i? Stop being pedantic for the sake of it mate ;)
Not trying to be pedantic, mate.

Just making the point (yet to be disproved here) that you can't 100% control the conditions of all the meat you eat. The only way to be sure is to become a vegetarian.

That's why if you do eat meat, it's unfair to judge others over the kinds of meat they eat.

Of course, we can all strive to be as cruelty-free as we want. It makes people feel better. But you have to do so with the understanding that it's not absolute.
Not trying to be pedantic, mate.

Just making the point (yet to be disproved here) that you can't 100% control the conditions of all the meat you eat. The only way to be sure is to become a vegetarian.

That's why if you do eat meat, it's unfair to judge others over the kinds of meat they eat.

Of course, we can all strive to be as cruelty-free as we want. It makes people feel better. But you have to do so with the understanding that it's not absolute.

I think his intent is pretty pure.

Now can we talk about nice things - feeling a bit squiffy and Friday-like from a boozy lunch. :lol: