In 2011, I must...

in the undercover house hold it's fois.

with a pronounced s.

have you (suspect it's a yes;)) audited your own use of animal products and how they are treated?

it tastes lush with red wine.

You're free to eat whatever you like, you don't have to justify any of it to me, least of all tell me how nice it is.

Glad to have generated a reactionary response.

and :lol: at Becks/Pups.

Hoping you get shat on also.
Me and a friend are stating a monthly House and House classics night, hopefully if everything goes to plan.

We will have 2 rooms with the second playing anything from Electro to Techno and everything in between, the second room is gonna change on a monthly basis, with local and national dj's playing a wide range of genres.
Hopefully have the venue confirmed on Saturday night.
It's in Newcastle!

i think that's the right page anyway!

Sounds good. I'm toying with the idea of launching a club night, but have no idea where I'd start with such a thing.

As for 2011:
  • Loose 3 stone before Ibiza.
  • Have a relationship that lasts
  • Try and start my DJ Career
  • Eat healthier
  • Drink less

I've achieved the bottom two, and lost two stone since start of the year.
Got a DJ Gig next week. Relationship one... that's not going so well. :lol:
Sounds good. I'm toying with the idea of launching a club night, but have no idea where I'd start with such a thing.

As for 2011:
  • Loose 3 stone before Ibiza.
  • Have a relationship that lasts
  • Try and start my DJ Career
  • Eat healthier
  • Drink less

I've achieved the bottom two, and lost two stone since start of the year.
Got a DJ Gig next week. Relationship one... that's not going so well. :lol:

Relationships are overrated mate ;)

what kind of music do you spin? If we get something good going we could always invite you up for a set sometime? Like i said Room 2 will vary from month to month, so as long as it's not cheese, and good quality music we're open to pretty much anything.
If you send a link to a mix of yours on the contact page of the HomeSpun website or search HomeSpun on Facebook and post it there we'll definitely give it a listen.
Or direct email is
Haha, I spin mostly Trance. Stuff like Ferry Corsten, Armin, Tiesto (Well, his old stuff...), Activa, Lange... to name but a few.

Relationships...probably are over-rated. But It'd be nice to have something that lasts a bit longer than three months (my avg relationship length, lol).
Haha, I spin mostly Trance. Stuff like Ferry Corsten, Armin, Tiesto (Well, his old stuff...), Activa, Lange... to name but a few.

Relationships...probably are over-rated. But It'd be nice to have something that lasts a bit longer than three months (my avg relationship length, lol).

well we might have trance on in room 2 one night, who knows, anything is possible ha ha.

I've been single for over 3 years now, after a 3 1/2 year relationship finished, to be honest i just can't be arsed ha ha
You're free to eat whatever you like, you don't have to justify any of it to me, least of all tell me how nice it is.

Glad to have generated a reactionary response.

and :lol: at Becks/Pups.

Hoping you get shat on also.
Food nazis!!

I love a bit of foie gras with my veal ;)

Still not falling for it - bloody wind up merchant. :lol:
What is the ultimate delicacy for those into this sort of 'food'?

Live monkey brains must be up there?
I don't think that's fair.

Do you really think the way we harvest chicken, beef, pork, etc. is humane? I've read horror stories.

Either you're veggie/vegan, or your not. If not, it's all fair game because none of it's pretty.
Exactly - eating meat is cool so long as you can look the animal in the eye and honour the process.

Most people bury their head in the sand when tucking into a burger - it's really sad.

"Everyone else does it and we're carnivores* so therefore it's fine."

* we're not - we're omnivores.
I probably am a hypocrite as I do eat meat, but only basic meats like chicken, beef, pork (and never baby animals like venison etc) I have enough faith in British farming to know it's being done humanely. Foie gras isn't humane, end of! :spank:
Surely there are degrees of 'cruelty' in the ways in which livestock etc is reared for our consumption? To simply say you are either veggie or not with regard to ones conscience on how animals are treated is a broad generalisation imo.

I have no problem with whatever delicacies anyone wants to eat, foie gras might be the most delicious food I have never eaten but it's not for me. The thought of animals being force fed to alter the taste turns me off.
I probably am a hypocrite as I do eat meat, but only basic meats like chicken, beef, pork (and never baby animals like venison etc) I have enough faith in British farming to know it's being done humanely. Foie gras isn't humane, end of! :spank:
Venison is deer... that's not a baby animal! Did you mean lamb?

Sorry, dear. The slaughter of animals is rarely "humane" in any organized farming. Unless it's a kosher butcher or something.

I reiterate - either you eat meat, or you don't. The line that divides more humane killing from less humane killing is thin and variable!

The thought of animals being force fed to alter the taste turns me off.
But not the thought of animals being force fed and/or drugged to make them bigger, plumper, meatier, whatever? I guarantee meat you eat has had that done.