In 2011, I must...

still rocking the gym about 3/4 times a week

cutting back on food is proving 'mas complicado' though...
still rocking the gym about 3/4 times a week

cutting back on food is proving 'mas complicado' though...

No No don't cut back on the food, just cut out carbs and you can eat plenty of meat, eggs, fruit,veg, etc and not have that bloated feeling, It's been a real revelation for me.
No No don't cut back on the food, just cut out carbs and you can eat plenty of meat, eggs, fruit,veg, etc and not have that bloated feeling, It's been a real revelation for me.
True. That's how I lost a ton of weight
(well, actually, I cut out carbs AND cut back on food :lol:)
But I've found it's easier to maintain my weight with fewer carbs in my diet.
I'm suddenly in a position where I need to lose a stone. Weight has crept up on me, no doubt due to relaxing how much I let myself drink at home at the weekends.

Best way to lose weight (besides cutting back on booze) is fill up on fruit/veg at meal times, so there's no room left for junk.

Also food control is the most important aspect in losing weight. Exercising doesn't burn as much as people would like to think.
I find that when you eat also plays a big part. I eat my big meal at around 1400 a habit I picked up in Spain. I eat a salad/fruit or something light. Maintaining the weight nicely.:)
I've actually gone vegetarian 3 days a week...Only thing about fruit/veg is it makes you pump. ;)

I've also cut way back on the chems. Only really had 2 sessions this year. When meph was legal, I was doing that almost every weekend. Probably how I got to drinking more too, to deal with comedowns. :rolleyes:
- Eat a proper decent slab of Fois Gras, not the pate - the real stuff & without anything but butter to cook it in
- Learn to play the piano
- Get more sleep
- Buy a new mountain bike
- Sell my house
- Buy a lovely new big house & re-committ to decades of debt

God i'm dull 8)

Still waiting for the fois gras.
Not learnt the piano.
Having a bit more sleep
Bought my bike (pic below) 8)
Sold/Bought House, moved in Tuesday. Now have a pool table in my basement 8) X 10.

- Move to Brighton
- Climb a mountain (Mount Kinabalu in Borneo)
- Do a West Coast America roadtrip
- Run a half marathon in under 2 hours (current PB is 02:04:01) and run a full marathon in 4 hours 30 mins Edit - this is now a TBC as I have just broken my toe and don't know if I'm going to have to defer my Brighton marathon place until next year :cry::spank:
- Return to Berghain/Panorama
- Learn how to cook properly and generally be a good housewife to Tom so he thinks it's a good idea for me to go into semi-retirement :lol:
- Try to buy fewer clothes (this is probably going to be the hardest one to achieve:spank::lol:)
- Buy a bike so I can cycle everywhere round Brighton
- Give Lottie even more love as she been so sad and lost since Danny died :cry:

- Offer accepted on a house in Brighton as of Tuesday this week - if all goes to plan should be moving down there in May :D
- 3 week trip to Borneo booked for later in the year including climbing Mount Kinabalu
- 3 week America roadtrip in April/May
- 4 weeks to go to Brighton marathon, ran 24 miles in 4 hours 7 minutes a couple of weeks ago so as long as there's no freak weather conditions on the day, should be on track for about a 4 hour 30 minute time
- Did a 17 hour sesh in Bergain/Panorama back in January for my birthday, hoping to go back September time
- Not learnt how to cook but bought some new pans and scales ready for our new house so it's a step in the right direction :oops:
- Buy less clothes - EPIC FAIL :spank:
- Buying a bike to follow when we've moved
- Spoiling Lottie and treating her like the Princess she is :D
I've just noticed this thread so:

. pay off most of my debt
. eat healthier
. lose weight, about 2 stone
. start my own club night, starting in June hopefully 8)
. spend less time working
. see friends more

plus lots more probably!
I've just noticed this thread so:

. pay off most of my debt
. eat healthier
. lose weight, about 2 stone
. start my own club night, starting in June hopefully 8)
. spend less time working
. see friends more

plus lots more probably!

What kind of club night are you looking to start? Where?
What kind of club night are you looking to start? Where?

Me and a friend are stating a monthly House and House classics night, hopefully if everything goes to plan.

We will have 2 rooms with the second playing anything from Electro to Techno and everything in between, the second room is gonna change on a monthly basis, with local and national dj's playing a wide range of genres.
Hopefully have the venue confirmed on Saturday night.
It's in Newcastle!

i think that's the right page anyway!