In 2011, I must...

Mine are:

To not worry so much (I'm pretty laid back but still let the little niggle get me once in a while)

Not let work and petty gossipers bother me - I plan to keep my head down and keep going, like the last 3 years here :D

Try and have at LEAST 1 nice holiday as we had none last year due to buying flat and having a mahussive monthly mortgage payment :rolleyes:

Have more dinner parties now we have said flat

Buy a new dining table

Decorate our spare room (with MY ideas :D )

Try and get a proposal (half joking here but hey a diamond would be nice :twisted: )
Hello and Happy New Year everyone :lol:

Very much looking forward to 2011 as going to:

- Move to Brighton

- Climb a mountain (Mount Kinabalu in Borneo)

- Do a West Coast America roadtrip

- Run a half marathon in under 2 hours (current PB is 02:04:01) and run a full marathon in 4 hours 30 mins Edit - this is now a TBC as I have just broken my toe and don't know if I'm going to have to defer my Brighton marathon place until next year :cry::spank:

- Return to Berghain/Panorama

- Learn how to cook properly and generally be a good housewife to Tom so he thinks it's a good idea for me to go into semi-retirement :lol:

- Try to buy fewer clothes (this is probably going to be the hardest one to achieve:spank::lol:)

- Buy a bike so I can cycle everywhere round Brighton

- Give Lottie even more love as she been so sad and lost since Danny died :cry:
Stop smoking,like every year :confused:

Less drinking,like evry year :spank:
Of course j goes without saying :lol:

Drink that ouzo,before I start drinking less.
Must sort out photo's.
Find lost maps.
Book more weeks in Ibiza.
Get some new shorts.
Move to Bristol.
Practice typing with more than one finger.
Above all,try and stay alive !
- Get rid of my chronic back pain once and for all.

- Make more time for learning Spanish and get a private tutor.

- Watch out more for family and friends in need.

- More charity stuff.

- Run a half marathon (after no1 above out of the way).

- Sell my codpiece on ebay (it had no effect on the beach in Ibiza last year :( ).
some great positivity on here .... 8)

I just intend to float through life with as little responsibility as possible - basically how I have gotten through life to date :lol::lol:

stay healthy, be positive, make more of my spare time and generally be a nice person (to the people who deserve my niceness :lol::lol::lol::lol:)

Retire in 5 years to be a domesticated goddess basically - I think working til 50 is an acceptable age in PuppyLover world...8)
- Try to buy fewer clothes (this is probably going to be the hardest one to achieve:spank::lol:)


I am also trying to commit to this in 2011 but I was at my desk a mere 30 minutes yesterday before cracking and buying some trousers from ASOS :spank: NNGGGGG!!!!

I will try to:-

- Be less cynical & grumpy

- Swear less

- Get back into running and get another 10k under my belt

- Learn that on a night out, I CAN stop drinking after 3 or 4 and have a soft drink

- Spend more time with my parents (1 hour a week isn't really quality time)

- I've realised I can't keep partying with the 26 years olds for ever so I think it's time to try and make a baby BGrrrrl/Boy towards the end of the year.....EEEKK!! Thats the first time I've said that out loud :eek: :lol:

I am also trying to commit to this in 2011 but I was at my desk a mere 30 minutes yesterday before cracking and buying some trousers from ASOS :spank: NNGGGGG!!!!

I will try to:-

- Be less cynical & grumpy

- Swear less

- Get back into running and get another 10k under my belt

- Learn that on a night out, I CAN stop drinking after 3 or 4 and have a soft drink

- Spend more time with my parents (1 hour a week isn't really quality time)

- I've realised I can't keep partying with the 26 years olds for ever so I think it's time to try and make a baby BGrrrrl/Boy towards the end of the year.....EEEKK!! Thats the first time I've said that out loud :eek: :lol:

happy belated new year! this year i must...
- learn the basics of spanish (rosetta stone anyone?)
- give ableton more of my time
- last the season in ibiza
- stop hammering it so much and wasting money, i'll appreciate it more when i'm in ibiza :D

looks like this year all my musts are mostly about my summer
in 2011, thou shalt remain always calm despite extreme provocation from the hackney council parking gestapo last night a Gallardo like this :):):):)

(ok, to be honest, I'd prefer black rims...)

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I prefer buying a Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport but it to do so would mean myself either selling the family home and upsetting the missus or her being lucky on tonight's euro millions draw:)
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I prefer buying a Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport but it to do so would mean myself either selling the family home and upsetting the missus or her being lucky on tonight's euro millions draw:)

IMHO Gallardo is sexier than the Veyron.
I love her orange dress, she is amazing....