In 2011, I must...


No longer active
lose a stone

fall in love

find a way of remaining solvent

stop defecating on internet messageboards

learn how to cook tortillas like my gran

make it to Benirras

yours? :arrow:
I'll play Olly.

I must -

--- drink less

--- warm up properly and stay injury free

--- win the league and at least one cup for my football team. (See above for methodology)

--- keep levels of contentment within my relationship at their current high

--- waste less money

--- go skiing, go to New York and go to Ibiza

--- make the contract I run, run more sytematically so I don't have to firefight and do such much myself

--- pay off the remainder of my mortgage
the drinking less is already happening for me

£4 a pint (or bottle!) - economics are forcing my hand there

I've been persuaded to join a wednesday evening circuits class at the gym from next week, which should be interesting
learn how to cook tortillas like my gran

make it to Benirras

Ditto on both accounts. In 20 years of living in Spain my Tortilla Española suck really bad.

And in 15 years of going to Ibiza I still havent made it to Benirras :spank:

Me :-

Train like I've never trained before as this will be my last marathon (my knees are dictating so) and I really want sub 3.30

Stop subconsciously biting my nails (i'm 36 ffs)

Try my best for child No 2. (with my wife obviously)

Get to Ibiza for either openings or closings (and go to Benirras) as this is my first year I havent made it for ages.

Give my new business venture 100%

Try to sell one of the other business' so as to make moving to Ibiza more of a reality.

Enjoy and apreciate my beautiful family even more.


I'm off now until next year so have a good one peeps 8)
1. Stay at my Ibiza fighting weight of 12 stone rather than the Ricky Hatton style fluctuations of the past 10 years.

2. Not be as fed up with work thus being less grumpy at home.

3. Spend less time being busy doing nothing.

4. Read more books.

5. Sort out all my media, in particular my mp3 on laptop. It's in right two and eight (there goes the book reading )

These are all off the top of my head and a peculiarly all linked ?
1. work harder at uni, attend lectures, try to remember why I once loved psychology
2. go back to the gym
3. try to keep my car at under 300 revs at all times
4. clean my car
5. book my ibiza holidays
6. purchase a 120gb ipod
7. spend less time staring at Facebook, R.A, soundcloud etc
8. cut down on white zinfandel rose with a dash of sprite
9. get a tv license
10. pay my 2 year water bill
1. work harder at uni, attend lectures, try to remember why I once loved psychology
2. go back to the gym
3. try to keep my car at under 300 revs at all times
4. clean my car
5. book my ibiza holidays
6. purchase a 120gb ipod
7. spend less time staring at Facebook, R.A, soundcloud etc
8. cut down on white zinfandel rose with a dash of sprite
9. get a tv license
10. pay my 2 year water bill

I watch everything online, but my advice to people with tv sets would be to not answer the door. They cannot force their way in.
It looks a bit dodgy that I have a sky dish outside my house but I've lasted a year without one and got away with it so I'm gonna quit while I'm ahead (or maybe just push for another year..:twisted:)
It looks a bit dodgy that I have a sky dish outside my house but I've lasted a year without one and got away with it so I'm gonna quit while I'm ahead (or maybe just push for another year..:twisted:)

attach a frayed cable to it beneath which looks like its been cut, and not connected to anything
1. Finish writing my book.
2. Make progress on an 8 hour mix.
3. Host more dinners & stop being so reclusive.
4. Go to a gig at the Royal Albert Hall.
5. Make it over to a Beauty & the Beat party.
6. Torture Garden's 20th anniversary (yeah!)
7. See Kerri Chandler.
8. Visit Ibiza or Berlin for a dance off.
9. Explore my wild side with community of queer shamanic nutters in Wales. :lol:
10. Get involved more in London's squat scene.
11. Join as much direct action against bankers bonuses and tax dodgers as possible.
12. Go on a vision quest with David Wendl Berry
13. Get a personal trainer.
14. Begin to find some willing clients on my new career path.
15. Go on an Ayahuasca retreat in Peru (finances and holidays permitting).
1. Finish writing my book.
2. Make progress on an 8 hour mix.
3. Host more dinners & stop being so reclusive.
4. Go to a gig at the Royal Albert Hall.
5. Make it over to a Beauty & the Beat party.
6. Torture Garden's 20th anniversary (yeah!)
7. See Kerri Chandler.
8. Visit Ibiza or Berlin for a dance off.
9. Explore my wild side with community of queer shamanic nutters in Wales. :lol:
10. Get involved more in London's squat scene.
11. Join as much direct action against bankers bonuses and tax dodgers as possible.
12. Go on a vision quest with David Wendl Berry
13. Get a personal trainer.
14. Begin to find some willing clients on my new career path.
15. Go on an Ayahuasca retreat in Peru (finances and holidays permitting).

And more home deliveries from Waitrose?:p
My Goals:

  • Stop being progressively grumpier each year. :lol:
  • Complete the Para 10 in under 1 hr 50 mins *(September)
  • Start making the move to Northumberland.
  • Find Peace!!!!!

  • go back to Ibiza after missing it for 2 years. Maybe openings for a change??
  • get back into running races, without a goal in mind, my training just lags behind
  • Move
  • To have more friends over for dinner and to make a new dish with new ingredients every week
  • Berlin... to visit cousins and have a clubbing extravaganza! 8)
  • to read something I enjoy every night rather than books like, "Implementing Inquiry-based Learning" or "Assessment practices K-3"
  • Be more content with what I have
  • Visit more friends in North America; I always fly off overseas, but don't visit my friends very often on this continent... Having said that, it is often just as easy/cheap for me to fly direct from my city to London than to Toronto.
  • clean my room more often
  • come back to spotlight! :lol:
- Eat a proper decent slab of Fois Gras, not the pate - the real stuff & without anything but butter to cook it in
- Learn to play the piano
- Get more sleep
- Buy a new mountain bike
- Sell my house
- Buy a lovely new big house & re-committ to decades of debt

God i'm dull 8)