Ibiza, where is your essence?

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What’s happened ?

Purely from that post and comments I get the impression it's rent hikes or similar.

Who'd of thought that being a being a longterm ressie at a cashcow like Mambo, doesn't leave you a villa owning multi-millionaire?*

*Me, to be fair. I'd imagine the wage structure for Mambo ressies is 50% 'Exposure', 50% 'People will do this for nothing, you know?'
Further posts suggest the block his family rent in has a load of squatters in also. f*** that for a game of soldiers

the pastry shop los andenes, the serra cinema, the bookstore vara de rey, teatro pereyra... that was luxury!
Bargain: one room in playa den bossa for only 150 euros...


... in return of sex with the landlord once per week! :eek:

Stupidity in Ibiza will break all records this summer...

Only E150 and favors 1x per week? Thats a deal!

I need to talk with Mrs Negron about my going rate, maybe I can get a discount. She is getting much more rent and services out of me! On top of all that I have to pay for her car and groceries too.
Great article.

Wonderful comments in there too:

Es lógico que la gente deje de ir a los clubs... hay que ser muy pusilánime para pagar 60 euros por entrar en un local y 20 euros por copa para escuchar a un dj que lleva 20 años pinchando lo mismo, y encima aguantar el personal te trate como el arrastrado que eres, porque aunque te estás dejando el sueldo ni siquiera le llega para invitar a una triste botella de Moët....

Al final, por muy arrastrados y empastillados que estén, se acaban dando cuenta de que se están dejando el sueldo por hacer de figurantes para que los VIPs que se dejan las cuentas de más de 10.000 euros por noche se sientan más VIPs, porque para vivir una experiencia VIP es imprescindible estar rodeado de pringados no VIPs..
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