Ibiza too expensive

Entrances to clubs i dont mind, you can usually find a discounted entrance somewhere or GL if your lucky. But the authorities should put a ceiling on the ammount they charge for drinks, it has become ridiculous.

A bottle of plain water (small) probably costs the clubs 25-30 cents, probably less !! Bottled beer 50 - 60 cents, and so on. I can understand a price difference from club to club, to a degree. But I do think that the goverment/council should step in, its criminal, and its dangerous, esp with dehydrated clubbers in those temperatures. :rolleyes:
It's always been the same though! I remember in 98 having a heartattack @ Maunmission! when I worked out my vodka red bull just cost me £12 and that was 10 years ago! LOL - I always think to myself If I owed one of these big clubs, I'd drop the prices and see the trade come through! How many people would buy a Vodka & Lemonade if it was like 8-10€ instead of 15€ like at Pacha. Was there last week and only bought one drink out of principle! I was also shocked how clubs (Pacha) don't offer free drinks anymore?!!? Whats that about??!!

Trick is, get pissed first in your hotel room and just buy bottled water in the club! I've never seen a busy bar in Ibiza! I find it funny that it's piss easy to get served in two of the best clubs in the world (Pacha & Space) than it is in my sh!tty town Peterborough! lol
defo 63 euros, the ticket seller at mambos explained to us why and was embarrased to try and sell them at that rate.

At the end of the day they really dont want us brits or people who holiday in san an going to pacha.

To me Pacha is a club for celebs and never a true nightclub for us party goers. any club whose ViP lounge takes up almost the wholemain floor has one thing on its mind!


Absolute horse****e - the clubs dont care where their punters are from on the Island :lol::lol::lol::lol: - are you saying there is an East/West divide on the Island on who should go to which clubs ie San an people should only go to Eden, Es Paradise, Cream and Priv? and Ibiza Town, PdB people can only go to Space/Pacha and El Divino???

Your correct in saying "money orientated" - as all the clubs are in Ibiza. My only bugbear is the cost of water - its morally wrong. Especially when I was paying just over a € for 8ltrs of water at the supermarket....
I'd drop the prices and see the trade come through! How many people would buy a Vodka & Lemonade if it was like 8-10€ instead of 15€ like at Pacha.

People will always come to the clubs regardless no matter what they charge- they'll only drink less. Although I can't see them putting prices up again in the near future surely.

A bottle of water costs the same as a coke in Amnesia... 10 Euro!

But I don't mind paying 10 Euro for a bottle of Bud in there- at least that's went down slightly...
Agreed the lineups for WLS are pretty poor this year. Although good to see more Carl Craig and Slam in there.

But DJ Hell doing a disco set for the closing party? Come off it!

Carl Craig is a pish DJ and you can see Slam anytime. Why is it a good thing to see them in Space?

Nah, sorry. We Love lineups are weak as p-water this year.
I've never seen a busy bar in Ibiza! I find it funny that it's piss easy to get served in two of the best clubs in the world (Pacha & Space) than it is in my sh!tty town Peterborough! lol

quality comment!

unfortunately at the moment we have a "we are getting less guests so lets raise prices" mentality - does anyone on the island have any idea of longterm marketing? or are they just in it to get as much as they can as quick as they can with no thought to the future?

the clubbing on ibiza is still amazing and still unique - but this summer it looks like average people now don't have the money to visit more than 1 big club in a week - at most two. this means the 10 top club nights stay busy, but the rest are suffering.

at least manumission are doing something about it by dropping prices to 35 euros.

why don't one of the clubs take the plunge and offer 5 euro water and 8 euro beer - it's not much to ask is it?
quality comment!

unfortunately at the moment we have a "we are getting less guests so lets raise prices" mentality - does anyone on the island have any idea of longterm marketing? or are they just in it to get as much as they can as quick as they can with no thought to the future?

the clubbing on ibiza is still amazing and still unique - but this summer it looks like average people now don't have the money to visit more than 1 big club in a week - at most two. this means the 10 top club nights stay busy, but the rest are suffering.

at least manumission are doing something about it by dropping prices to 35 euros.

why don't one of the clubs take the plunge and offer 5 euro water and 8 euro beer - it's not much to ask is it?

I quite like Eden's policy at the moment of pass outs and a water vending machine at low prices outside - now that's progress for Ibiza clubs in my book....

Hats off to Eden for this marked improvement in H&S... 8)
Absolute horse****e - the clubs dont care where their punters are from on the Island :lol::lol::lol::lol: - are you saying there is an East/West divide on the Island on who should go to which clubs ie San an people should only go to Eden, Es Paradise, Cream and Priv? and Ibiza Town, PdB people can only go to Space/Pacha and El Divino???

Your correct in saying "money orientated" - as all the clubs are in Ibiza. My only bugbear is the cost of water - its morally wrong. Especially when I was paying just over a € for 8ltrs of water at the supermarket....

Sorri puppylover but it isnt horse**** as you put it at all. The reason they dont want the brits from San An coming is they dont spend anywhere near as much in the clubs as the people from other parts of the Island (San Juan, Ibiza Town etc) I know that is a blatant generalisation but that is exactley what the club owner(s) of Pacha believe.

Im not saying everyone who holidays in San an (like me) are all alike but you get my drift that the ViP lounge and the people buying the expensive rounds of drinks in there arent usually the Brits or the people holidaying in San An! Now U mentioned that they dont care as long as the club is full, well if you read my post the reason it was 63 euros per ticket (80 on the door) is because it was so busy in previous weeks hence the need for making sure the people who are paying will no doubt be able to afford the drinks when they are inside and that is where clubs like Pacha etc make there money.

I dont want to be one of these people who say i know this because etc, but it was a promoter who told me this, and this promoter was born and bred in Ibiza!!!

Pacha is a different animal in the way and it wants to be percieved when compared to somewhere like space.
Carl Craig is a pish DJ and you can see Slam anytime. Why is it a good thing to see them in Space?

Nah, sorry. We Love lineups are weak as p-water this year.

Carl Craig pish? Haha.

It's a good thing to see Slam in Privilege,Space, Berlin or anywhere else that isn't here. I love supporting my local DJs overseas.
Sorri puppylover but it isnt horse**** as you put it at all. The reason they dont want the brits from San An coming is they dont spend anywhere near as much in the clubs as the people from other parts of the Island (San Juan, Ibiza Town etc) I know that is a blatant generalisation but that is exactley what the club owner(s) of Pacha believe.

Im not saying everyone who holidays in San an (like me) are all alike but you get my drift that the ViP lounge and the people buying the expensive rounds of drinks in there arent usually the Brits or the people holidaying in San An! Now U mentioned that they dont care as long as the club is full, well if you read my post the reason it was 63 euros per ticket (80 on the door) is because it was so busy in previous weeks hence the need for making sure the people who are paying will no doubt be able to afford the drinks when they are inside and that is where clubs like Pacha etc make there money.

I dont want to be one of these people who say i know this because etc, but it was a promoter who told me this, and this promoter was born and bred in Ibiza!!!

Pacha is a different animal in the way and it wants to be percieved when compared to somewhere like space.

You basically answered my question with your statement above....

I am friends with a few of the promotors/DJ managers (some even British!!) that host nights at Pacha and I think they would be pretty pissed at that statement actually....
Then ask them why on Gods earth do they charge 63 euros for a night with two very average DJ's then plse!!!

and how they justify it? Because now the clubs are shutting bang on 6am it certainly aint worth it to party in Pacha anymore for me!!!!!
and how they justify it? Because now the clubs are shutting bang on 6am it certainly aint worth it to party in Pacha anymore for me!!!!!

I will only go to Pacha if I'm eating in the restaurant beforehand cos by the time the clubs gets going you're only looking at about 3/4 hours of clubbing time :rolleyes:
sorry to be be boring, but it's all classic supply and demand theory.

FMIF is really busy, practically full, so the door price will hit 100 in the next weeks.

whereas most of space's parties are empty (considering the size of the club), which is why you can get wristbands and even free invitations (left around like flyers) to most of their parties, including carl cox and DT.
... maybe because there are still enough people around
who are willing/able to pay this amount of money ?

There are thousands of people each year willing to pay prob 100 euros. But if it carries on then those people will prob only be the ones who go into the ViP area and the ones who make the atmosphere will be left to perhaps choose other nights.

I appreciate the supply and demand comments but it can only go so far, what im saying is that demand will decrease on the whole and the other nights on the Island will suffer because of it.

I was wandering if anyone has a list of the tickets prices over the last 6-7 years to see how much they have gone up by? Ive been coming to Ibiza every year since 2000 but i cant for the life of me remember what the ticket prices have been like!!???

Im sure i used to pay around 30 euros for space sundays but maybe im wrong!!!
sorry to be be boring, but it's all classic supply and demand theory.

FMIF is really busy, practically full, so the door price will hit 100 in the next weeks.

whereas most of space's parties are empty (considering the size of the club), which is why you can get wristbands and even free invitations (left around like flyers) to most of their parties, including carl cox and DT.

Very true. If they are still turning up in their thousands to FMIF even though it is 60-70 on the door most weeks then what reason has Pacha got to drop the prices.

Overall on the whole I am happy with the rest of the clubs prices this year. 10 Euro for Be @ Space, and 20 Euro for Meganite @ Priv are very reasonable.