OK, so taking this thread back to observations on the right now in Ibiza ...
We’re lucky enough to have a place here that’s an escape from London . Have been here with my wife and little boy since flights started again beginning of July ,
No matter the positive gloss you try , try, and try again to put on things, the reality is that Ibiza this summer is not the Ibiza of summers before.
Iibiza was a place where the rules of life didn’t seem the to apply. Where people came to escape and let go. Where for every other disco ticket seller had on offer “something else” and everyone knew but no one was bothered. When the doorman waved you through even though beading with sweat and walking awkwardly for the stash in the shoes. Or down the pants. Where all the gents toilets were cubicles, as if by design.
But now there is no let go.
The energy is missing. The heading out for the day not knowing whether you’ll be back in a bit, or back for breakfast, or not back for a while, is gone.
It’s all rules, rules, and rules. Don’t do this, Don”t do that. You can’t access here. Keep your distance there. The resources of the Policia Local concentrated on preventing dancing ( my wife is happy, she’s always said my dancing should be illegal ...)
Dare to enter a supermercado with a loose nostril poking out of the mandatory mask ? Expect a reprimand.
This is not to criticise. It’s a postitive that the sense of social responsibility carried by all of us as individuals is felt more in Spanish society than in some others. Who can criticise that ? All I’m saying is the Ibiza as a place where you forget for a while about being responsible is not the Ibiza of 2020.
So come for the sun. Come for the beach. But expect a different spirit . All at low volume .
Or come for the past in 20 20 something , after the vaccine.