Ibiza gossip 2024

It’s so sad isn’t it. There was some festival on tv last Sunday, can’t remember the name, thousands of people filming this guy singing and dancing an uptempo pop song and they aren’t even moving their feet, it honestly looked appalling. I try my upmost to teach my teenage daughter that social media isn’t important/real but I fear it’s more important how much fun it looks like ur having than having an actual good time for this gen
Not sure if this right place or if need an equivalent of the "drinks prices" thread, but what's going on with ticket prices and any rumours of changes to get some of it back into the local economy/hands.

Eg ticket % face value tax that goes straight to local council to pay for social housing etc.
Or DJs fees etc. Instead of it just been spirited away off shore.

I've noticed a trend on group I run of more and more people asking for guest lists for the ~€100 ticket nights. But I guess if people keep paying and all that....
I want Now now NOW ;) 😂
I’d like to think it will change but totally pointless. Imagine if it did and people actually started to get embarrassed about filming 😂 on another note I was at a gig last night in Manchester, a girl in front of me recorded the whole gig and never looked up once while the place was going off, she wasn’t fazed in the slightest. Zombies the lot of em!
I’d like to think it will change but totally pointless. Imagine if it did and people actually started to get embarrassed about filming 😂 on another note I was at a gig last night in Manchester, a girl in front of me recorded the whole gig and never looked up once while the place was going off, she wasn’t fazed in the slightest. Zombies the lot of em!

A 30 second/1 min clip I can understand but surely nobody is watching a full camera phone filmed gig back. Grim
Wouldnt mind trying 528 this year...Ive only ever been to Benimussa Park once which was 10y years ago for Zoo Project. Im there on 2nd Aug when Radio 1 is on...thoughts?