I think this goes for a lot of the more mature clubbers in Ibiza now. It’s never going to be like it was but leave the young’uns to it and there’s pockets of people in all of the main venues who are predominantly there for music and dancing.
clubs are now rammed with people doing more filming than enjoying - it’s all for the socials and they miss so much.
I see soooo many DJ Sets on YouTube where the music is mega and the crowd look like a load of shuffling zombies which is a crying shame, just imagine the experience for them if everyone let loose…then put THAT on the socials.
Too much preconception, image conscious and “mood” in clubs today - if only they let themselves go, I think they’d experience something on a whole different level.
Back to Hi, I’ve had many a happy night there, usually in the club room as it’s less “showy” so all the insta-tok-snap-face-tubers are filming in the theatre all night waiting for the confetti drop.
Bottom line is, Ibiza still accommodates that diversity there’s not many clubs in the world where you can be mid 40’s, tearing it up and not seen as an “old weirdo”
I’ll be there for my 11th annual trip this coming Monday and yes, I’ll moan like f**k watching all the kids spend all night filming while I’m “seeing sounds and hearing colours” but suppose this is the generation of tomorrow. I’ve got my memories of clubbing and I guarantee they’ll make a much more interesting story than a confetti drop on instagram.