Ibiza getting pricer year by year but 70€ pacha opening IS cheaper than 100€ unique price last year
Can Vidal Hierbas now 25€ also AT san Joan ,+50% Rise WTF! They want their cake 's share as Big juicy clubs business with their insane drinks prrices,will buy only one bottle max AT san an tobacco Westend by ibz trip,Can aneta Hierbas didnt Rise much as Can vidal so i'll buy more Can aneta Hierbas then Can Vidal now
Blue Marlin opening should be same day as Destino Opening,april 28th,
WE ll have a visit to both me n dozen of (spotlight) UK mates
Lot of people complain also about hôtels prices,didnt check prices for Closing but opening prices were same for me as 2023