Ibiza gossip 2024

I got chatting to a ticket guy last week...he said going rate for Keinemusic was 500 euros (unofficially). But also said that some people who bagged tickets early doors were making over 1000 euros per ticket! Then just to throw this one in...he said you could buy post-6am tickets for 60 euros! Went on till midday apparently...
would need to pay me to wanto be in that crowd and thats nothing against Keinemusic i wonder what time that was at ?

on the flipside....🔺
I have no idea why they are popular...utter snooze-fest. Matey with the tickets was saying he couldn't understand why people were so keen to pay 200 (that was the last official price)) to stand outside in the garden cos so busy and packed like sardines inside...
8am i’ve seen but dunno for sure. Absolute dross! i’d be embarrassed if that was the crowds reaction to the tunes i was playing
wonder how much Kienemusic are getting per gig from the night league compared to Guetta etc, surely these sorts of videos cant be good for them, but i suppose if the price is right there not caring.

on another note, i wonder how the UNVRS opening party will work, I'm guessing they will do it on a night when Hi is not yet open or is closed,
it would make no sense to directly compete with themself? and if I've learned anything about the night league i bet they will want it ready for the end of IMS to maximize profits on it for next year.
wonder how much Kienemusic are getting per gig from the night league compared to Guetta etc, surely these sorts of videos cant be good for them, but i suppose if the price is right there not caring.

on another note, i wonder how the UNVRS opening party will work, I'm guessing they will do it on a night when Hi is not yet open or is closed,
it would make no sense to directly compete with themself? and if I've learned anything about the night league i bet they will want it ready for the end of IMS to maximize profits on it for next year.

Good question. Ushuaia party moving onto Hi works well due to location, getting several thousand across to UNVRS in early season with less taxis and no Disco bus would be a challenge. So maybe it opens later in the season? The start date of the season has got more muddled in recent years anyway though.
Last saturday I went to Ushuaia Closing Party and it was magical. October in the island is magical. Definitely there is a vibe that there isn't in any other month. Sad that the clubs only remain open until the 15th. This month has a lot of potential and the clubs kind of waste it. The island is still full. I hope next season 2025 we can see the clubs surpassing day 15 🤞
Last saturday I went to Ushuaia Closing Party and it was magical. October in the island is magical. Definitely there is a vibe that there isn't in any other month. Sad that the clubs only remain open until the 15th. This month has a lot of potential and the clubs kind of waste it. The island is still full. I hope next season 2025 we can see the clubs surpassing day 15 🤞

While they could do longer, it takes an effort to keep the island open, you need flights, airport staff, emergency services etc and many of those workers head back to the mainland in winter. A lot of the owners on the island also want a rest in decent weather before winter hits too.

Other thing is all the DJs head off to ADE (and from there Vegas, Middle East then Tulum) so staying in Ibiza longer messes their calendar up.
it's something we've been talking about lots before, I cannot see the clubbing season extending any longer than mid october - as mentioned, it's ADE time and DJs are turning their focus on their asia, usa and south america tours again after that.

I agree with lucas though, ibiza in october is magical. the combo of those last few parties, an island that starts to breathe again when finally the big masses have left and the autumn light and sunsets come in, that's fantastic holiday (or resident) material right there.
it's something we've been talking about lots before, I cannot see the clubbing season extending any longer than mid october - as mentioned, it's ADE time and DJs are turning their focus on their asia, usa and south america tours again after that.

I agree with lucas though, ibiza in october is magical. the combo of those last few parties, an island that starts to breathe again when finally the big masses have left and the autumn light and sunsets come in, that's fantastic holiday (or resident) material right there.

Ok , big clubs stayed close. The season is longer than 15 years ago. I remember , that Ibiza was closed in September. Maybe a lot of the people who are there now are not so interested for clubbing. Maybe a lot of people come , because the clubs are closed and the island is more quiet. You have the opportunity to go out every evening and have a drink or two. And you have the oppurtunity to do a lot of things.
Best way they can do.
Good question. Ushuaia party moving onto Hi works well due to location, getting several thousand across to UNVRS in early season with less taxis and no Disco bus would be a challenge. So maybe it opens later in the season? The start date of the season has got more muddled in recent years anyway though.

I think how Ushuaia, Hï and UNVRS will programme together is the great unknown. I have a feeling that Ushuaïa won’t be open 7 days a week (or anything like that) - but as often I might be wrong. My (hope) is that it will free Hï up for some newer and fresher DJs while the big commercial stuff is at UNVRS.

And my real hope is that Keinemusik have 20 nights at UNVRS so they don’t keep popping up everywhere. Getting them off the Circo Loco line-ups would be a good win IMO. I’m genuinely not anti a DJ / artist as they have become big, but Keinemusik crowd is a snooze fest. We saw it multiple times this season wherever they went. It’s not even the phones, it’s the standing still and staring and not really much idea what else they should do.
The problem with sterile parties is going to get worse unfortunately for one very simple reason. The new wave of clubbers coming through have virtually ZERO experience of rushing their tits off at local rave dens. Why? BECAUSE THEY'RE ALL CLOSING DOWN, STUPID! Doesn't take a genius to work out they'll be fish out of water when they DO find themselves at a massive party.

If Ibiza Inc. does still care about retaining any of the magic of old (I have my doubts..) it's going to need more than stickers on phones. There need to be TikTok videos showcasing the virtues of DANCING WITH YOUR MATES, and videos of people going nuts to tunes. Call it an educational campaign if you like. It's insane I even have to write this but without drastic action, clubbing as we knew it is dancing with death.
I think how Ushuaia, Hï and UNVRS will programme together is the great unknown. I have a feeling that Ushuaïa won’t be open 7 days a week (or anything like that) - but as often I might be wrong. My (hope) is that it will free Hï up for some newer and fresher DJs while the big commercial stuff is at UNVRS.

And my real hope is that Keinemusik have 20 nights at UNVRS so they don’t keep popping up everywhere. Getting them off the Circo Loco line-ups would be a good win IMO. I’m genuinely not anti a DJ / artist as they have become big, but Keinemusik crowd is a snooze fest. We saw it multiple times this season wherever they went. It’s not even the phones, it’s the standing still and staring and not really much idea what else they should do.
Yea…I saw of a video of the hi closing which said ‘banging’….certainty didn’t look it. At least 50% had phones out and the other 50% standing frozen. Just don’t get it
The problem with sterile parties is going to get worse unfortunately for one very simple reason. The new wave of clubbers coming through have virtually ZERO experience of rushing their tits off at local rave dens. Why? BECAUSE THEY'RE ALL CLOSING DOWN, STUPID! Doesn't take a genius to work out they'll be fish out of water when they DO find themselves at a massive party.

If Ibiza Inc. does still care about retaining any of the magic of old (I have my doubts..) it's going to need more than stickers on phones. There need to be TikTok videos showcasing the virtues of DANCING WITH YOUR MATES, and videos of people going nuts to tunes. Call it an educational campaign if you like. It's insane I even have to write this but without drastic action, clubbing as we knew it is dancing with death.

Good point, also sticky floor commercial cheese music clubs, student union discos etc are dying a death back home so that's another 'experience' missed by the yooth.

For me going to an Ibiza club for the first time was like driving a Ferrari instead of a Ford Fiesta such was the upgrade in music, crowd, production etc. Some of this generation haven't suffered the UK chain clubs like Oceana at age 18 and probably aren't as wowed by the Ibiza clubs as a result :)
Doesn't take a genius to work out they'll be fish out of water when they DO find themselves at a massive party

Actually this summarizes everything I was trying to say. It isn't about the phones per-se, but I saw it in a few parties this summer (more in August than in June), where people just didn't actually know what to do. Various example in DC10 when one of the Keinemusik guys were playing. You can't just stand and stare on the DC10 Terrace - it isn't designed for that.
The 2 events I went to last week...Pikes and Solomun, both tried really hard to limit phone use. Pikes obviously way more successful, with the whole sticker thing and security going round, especially in Freddies...but I was slightly surprised to see Pacha actively flashing up 'no phones' on the screens. I wasnt sure if I was imagining it at first...but mate said it definitely happened! Quite a few people ignoring it, as you would expect at Pacha, but it was quite refreshing to see, and way less phones out than the images I've seen of Hi and Ushuaia over the summer.