numbers are just not good enough right now. incidence and ICU occupation is too high. I think once we have better numbers and the mentioned format is being talked through with the clubs - the gov't did mention that they wanted to pick up those conversations again in september - then I think we might have a chance. by then the vaccination rate will be a little higher still. the thing is, as it'll be very late in the season, will anyone actually still make the effort and try to open? maybe one or two will if we get to that stage, and obviously for those venues who already do seated events right now it'll be easy to change to take away some of those tables and open the dancefloor. but there are venues who originally were planning to open this summer and have in the meantime changed their opinion and won't try this year anymore even if the government suddenly gives green lights.
but yeah, never lose hope, maybe we get a tiny bit of real action at the end of the season...we'll see.