*** ibiza gossip 2020 ***

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Kiesgrube re open in 2 weeks but you have to book a table with yours friends !


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Lol sitting in front of the dj

change your optics just a little bit. in a normal world (pre corona) people that had a table in the vip weren't necessarily sat all the time, they also danced a little around their table...but it just means you have some space around you. and the important thing (for the current situation only I'd like to point out) is you don't mingle with everybody all the time.

for me personally the 'mingling' bit is very important when clubbing, but the tables solution might be the only way to ensure clubs worldwide can stay open and operate safely until the goddamn cure/vaccine is here.
So when next DJ comes on do you think they will have another DJ Booth ? and swap each time for clean down..

you can make fun of this as long as you like, but the bare naked truth is, yes, for the forseeable future, this genuinely might be the only way to keep the clubbing industry alive.

fact is, most of the clubs worldwide won't survive if they aren't able to open at some point in the next few months (unless they get massive help from their respective governments).

another fact is, sadly, almost all spikes we've seen so far have happened somewhere indoors and when safety distances haven't been respected.

so yeah, as hard as it may be for some to understand, the model explained in the other thread (kiesgrube / pacha barcelona opening with table system only) might for a while be the only safe option for clubs to open.

and by the way, the 'clean down between sets' has been done and live streamed when defected did their very first virtual festival from MoS when it all kicked off.

there will be private parties and illegal raves with actual dancefloors, but a lot of clubs (albeit not all of them) won't take the risk and open an actual BUSY dancefloor. yet...they still wanna survive somehow.
'new normal' with rules/details TBA very soon.

I might be wrong, but I can't see them allowing full dancefloors. the way the spanish government has acted so far, it would be against all logic.

yeah tend to agree....even outside you think?
'new normal' with rules/details TBA very soon.

I might be wrong, but I can't see them allowing full dancefloors. the way the spanish government has acted so far, it would be against all logic.
Will we finally see Craig on the dancefloor ?
:oops: thought the market for its err goods would still be strong!
The only time I went in there went to the toilet and the bar man told me not leave any dust or baggy on the side, must be a common problem for them lol, on the plus side when sat outside the bar lady came over and said to my mate do not leave your wallet on the table like that, its being watched! Its a crummy bar though, but does have its uses, as does certain bars in other resorts (not naming any names!)
'new normal' with rules/details TBA very soon.

I might be wrong, but I can't see them allowing full dancefloors. the way the spanish government has acted so far, it would be against all logic.

That’s my thinking too. I even think outdoor events won’t be allowed at full capacity. I have gambled and bought a weekend ticket for Captured in September. I’ve took refund protection out but if it goes a head then it will most likely be at a limited capacity and ticket sales will probably be stopped as soon as that is made official. I’m guessing they have been selling well since they as released before Christmas I think.
yeah tend to agree....even outside you think?

I would think so yeah. the only thing that has transpired so far is that the safety distance has been shortened from 2m to 1.5m. now the calculations will start for the venues that want to open...
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