*** ibiza gossip 2019 ***

ok here's some actual news and not just gossip. we've just received info from pacha. I genuinely hope they will change their minds on this again before the season kicks off, but for now, the dress code for 2019 says long trousers/pants/jeans for men...and no, not just in the vip area, generally.

EDIT: rule retracted again!
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ok here's some actual news and not just gossip. we've just received info from pacha. I genuinely hope they will change their minds on this again before the season kicks off, but for now, the dress code for 2019 says long trousers/pants/jeans for men...and no, not just in the vip area, generally.
Even if they start the season like it I can imagine they would quickly change this. Surely the amount of people getting turned away who would have no idea would be huge? Can't imagine many young people go on holiday, especially UK young people going to Ibiza, thinking they need to be in long trousers to attend a club night.

And if you've just come all the way from San An at 1am and get turned away on your first visit to Pacha I don't think you'll be heading back to your hotel and then back out again, I think your more likely to say f*** this place im never coming back. (I mean Pacha not Ibiza)
ok here's some actual news and not just gossip. we've just received info from pacha. I genuinely hope they will change their minds on this again before the season kicks off, but for now, the dress code for 2019 says long trousers/pants/jeans for men...and no, not just in the vip area, generally.
Thats a bit ott
Even if they start the season like it I can imagine they would quickly change this. Surely the amount of people getting turned away who would have no idea would be huge? Can't imagine many young people go on holiday, especially UK young people going to Ibiza, thinking they need to be in long trousers to attend a club night.

And if you've just come all the way from San An at 1am and get turned away on your first visit to Pacha I don't think you'll be heading back to your hotel and then back out again, I think your more likely to say f*** this place im never coming back. (I mean Pacha not Ibiza)

this is why they informed us so we inform people already when they buy their tickets.
ok here's some actual news and not just gossip. we've just received info from pacha. I genuinely hope they will change their minds on this again before the season kicks off, but for now, the dress code for 2019 says long trousers/pants/jeans for men...and no, not just in the vip area, generally.
It used to be like this from what I remember; Pacha used to be very smart.

I don't actually see an issue with this.
how long ago are we talking taz? last 15 years was never a problem to wear shorts - unless you had a table.
I think it was around 2003/2004... Roger Sanchez was playing Pacha on Mondays?

Maybe the people that I went with stated that it was long trousers; I do recall it being quite smart.... definitely no open shoes for guys, or vests, LOL.

I could, of course, be wrong.
Tbh...I think there's nothing wrong with a long trouser dresscode in an indoor club.
I will not be allowed entrance in any other European club in shorts, not even in the summer.
What a ridiculous rule to put in place - try attending Solomun+1 peak season when it's packed to the rafters and tell me how hot and sweaty it is in shorts let alone long trousers.

Wake up Pacha - come on!
This policy will probably lead to reduced numbers as people get turfed, or refuse to go due to the dress code.
understand, but this is/was what made ibiza special: there never was ANY dress code.
It's one club on the whole island, and I'm pretty sure that they wouldn't allow people in with beachwear in the past.

I do wonder if this is their attempt to reduce numbers to manage attendance for events like Music On.
It's one club on the whole island, and I'm pretty sure that they wouldn't allow people in with beachwear in the past.

I do wonder if this is their attempt to reduce numbers to manage attendance for events like Music On.

never said anything against the no beachwear rule. but I spent lots of nights around the pacha entrance the year they forced ppl the no vest rule and I forsee mayhem with long trousers rule.

personally I have no problem wearing jeans - used to it after living on the island for a decade now
never said anything against the no beachwear rule. but I spent lots of nights around the pacha entrance the year they forced ppl the no vest rule and I forsee mayhem with long trousers rule.

personally I have no problem wearing jeans - used to it after living on the island for a decade now
I understand both points of view; I've been forced to change tops to go upstairs at Amnesia before.

It's Ibiza - you roll with these things.

If it means the club is less busy, that would be quite a good thing for some nights.

It will definitely be mayhem at the door - but once again, it's Ibiza.

Stuff has been working way too smoothly recently, and the service has almost gotten good in places...