Weli I dont think it is... what does time matter. Eventually Before we bought our place out there, I realised it wasn’t just the holiday, clubs, bars- ( not that Im too much in to that), it was the freedom. Freedom from everyday demands, the rat race life of the uk, seeing the beauty... sorry to sound like an old school m’am but Its a bloody awful feeling. I got disoriented, felt weird, missed the smells, the people, even the smelly drains! My heart was aching n I felt like a plant that had been ripped up from where it was growing happily n chucked on to an old compost heap. I cried, played the same songs over, despised people... I felt where I was ( uk) was alien. I compared everything to the Spanish way of life and Ibiza. Id cry if a plane went over... so like I said- post away! Ive actually got to spend some weeks in the uk/ family crap, flew in Thursday and I absolutely hate it! How I ever lived in this place is beyond me! I made a couple of good people in here who felt the same . Life in the uk is dead to me, theres nothing Ive missed or ever will. Im not going to say cheer up as thats as good as a kick in the nuts.. Ive no real advice apart from save, save and save and maybe try and get a place- even on the mainland! You may not be on Ibiza but 70/80km is a dam sight nearer than thousands. Cry, sing, sob at photos.. whatever it takes. Sorry for long post. Once its in your heart you will never be at peace until you go back- and even then its demoralising knowing u have to leave...