*** Ibiza 2017 observations ***

My mrs bought 2 purses of a seller on the beach one day I think she paid €25:eek: I said your fckn mad.. later on when looking at the purses she found €100 folded in one little pocket:lol: we felt bad for a bit,but fck it dinner was on Victor that night...:)
Ha was she jamaican bumbaclart is a jamican word ha..not that u wud know lol

It may have well been batty boy or something else - my memory isn't too good around that period!! I got called some sort of Slander anyway....It escalated very quickly anyway from "hello darling" on initial greeting :)
Spotted the pirate in a fb video, boogying away on top of hard rock hotel, party on bruva!
Must have consumed one of them Audi's


Looks like the pirate should walk the plank to get out of that partyo_O

That was only about 8.30pm. It was a small charity thing on 9th Floor at Hard Rock Hotel - looked full of media types. Wanted to check out the venue in the 45 minutes I had left to kill before my hire car had to be back at the airport !

Setting is pretty cool and you've got basically near 360 degree views including over the airport. It was a 5 euro donation at the door for which you got a free drink (cheaper than usual round there most likely lol) and a bunch of smoked salmon fancy canapes and the like brought round which were actually really nice. Even had Melon Bomb on the lineup, could have developed into a really decent bash up there ... with a bigger crowd ! Weather didn't help I guess.
The weather has been shit hasn't it?

It was absolutely amazing from arriving on Thursday evening last week right up to yesterday, albeit a little hot (42 C on the car dashboard when it was parked up). It's a small blip of 2 days of cloud / brief storm before it blows over again. One thing's for sure it was a damned site better than it's been in the UK these last few days :lol::lol::lol:
Haha, I like Mr Fallen just appearing outta nowhere. Apparently David Guetta showed up too for a bit to chill!

Weather looks cloudy but no rain at least
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Any been this season? Is she still at Old Tavern or moved on..?

She's still there mate, heard her dulcet tones a few times when walking past when we were over a few weeks ago. First I noticed her she was singing along to Atomic Kitten, You Can Make Me Whole Again, but when that line came on she sang "you can kiss my........." you can guess the rest.
HLT are getting a lot of press this summer - but do they really want to spread the word so much, hmm....?


Yeah I had noticed there were interviews and editorial pieces cropping up all over the place this summer. Mark Barrott always seemed to be reluctant to be in the spotlight even for International Feel. Social media and pr presence just didnt seem to sit with him (eg He did a very, very short weekly stint on Ibiza Sonica last year or year before - possibly only lasting one week!) And on that front - an interesting interview with Mark here too >>>> https://soundcloud.com/mike-boorman/hot-air-mark-barrott-international-feel-talks-to-mike-boorman

On the primarily HLT front Mark Barrott seems to be doing a bit more promo as and when he feels and certainly Pete Gooding is pushing it a lot plus the Volumen Dos comp seems to be going down well.
my feeling is that they're on to a good thing and don't really need to put the word out. Essentially it's a reprise of CDM in its heyday - which is precisely what a lot of CDM refugees wanted. everyone who's anyone already knows about it, so not sure why they need to do all the PR?