*** Ibiza 2017 observations ***

i'd rather watch an FGP video to be honest.

give me individual eccentrics over packs of beefy Brits, who remind you of why you left Britain in the first place...

Ah, well maybe because I'm Canadian, so this seems more new to me. Even though I basically stay in San An in my ibiza trips and I see Brits all the time, they're not as common obvs in Canada, at least with the accent.
got caught on the dancefloor at space closing a few years ago. to be fair, he did let me stay in the club after confiscating what i had in my hand and asking if i had more "no sir, nothing at all"!)...was super early so was very relieved!

couple of mates had this stuff years ago that was almost a paste, really weird looking stuff but very strong. bouncers in DC10 caught them with it outside, but they took a look at the bag with a confused look on their face, cos they couldn't work out what it was, so they just handed it back to them and walked off!
Thanks for all the comments on the vid; positive and negative and thanks Tiffany for the sub really appreciate that!

I do make the videos solely for the memories however when trying to remember to shoot when I am out there I always keep a conscious mind that I hope people that haven't been to Ibiza mainly see the video to get an idea of what it is like out there

All shot on a Samsung S8 and editing software is Camtasia9 @Nobbie Q - When I watch the videos back it also gives me the feels

Next Ibiza VLOG will be Radio 1 week
i'd rather watch an FGP video to be honest.

give me individual eccentrics over packs of beefy Brits, who remind you of why you left Britain in the first place...
I completely relate to that. But a lot of Ibiza's essence is founded on tolerance, and if you are tolerant to eccentrics who walk about in just a tiny leather thong, then likewise you should be to beefy brits as long as they are not harming anyone. Im not saying that the beefy brit packs are as good for the island and its atmosphere as eccentrics (which are much lesser spotted these days Im sure you'd agree) , but cant have one rule for some and one for others.
you reckon?

they seemed like very boring, very vain, overly pleased with themselves british holiday cliches to me

To be fair, the guys in the video and me don't share much in common...I'm twice their age, I wear different gear, have different music tastes, and I wouldn't go to the nights they went to.

But I thought the video was pretty decent and much better edited than I could do. it's a bunch of young lads having fun with their mates. They didn't look like they were bothering anyone, behaving badly or taking the p#ss out of anyone.

If the island is geared up more for towards lads like these than the hippies then the fault lies with the club/bar/hotel owners and authorities, not the punters.
In fairness I don't think LOR himself is the actual problem here. He could be anyone. There are thousands of other duplicate LORs out there, who all look and sound virtually identical. Singling him out is therefore unfair. He is the symptom not the illness. Just one massive vanity exercise in the sunshine. The Cristiano Ronaldo generation. The whole market now seems aimed at that kind of tourist and all the genuine freaks and misfits have disappeared from the clubs. Which is why i still love salinas because it still has that camp vibe and good humour that makes it so much fun.
In fairness I don't think LOR himself is the actual problem here. He could be anyone. There are thousands of other duplicate LORs out there, who all look and sound virtually identical. Singling him out is therefore unfair. He is the symptom not the illness. Just one massive vanity exercise in the sunshine. The Cristiano Ronaldo generation. The whole market now seems aimed at that kind of tourist and all the genuine freaks and misfits have disappeared from the clubs. Which is why i still love salinas because it still has that camp vibe and good humour that makes it so much fun.

I think we're looking into this a bit too much. I mean I think about things too much sometimes, but they are just Young's lads, getting on it and having a good time!
I think we're looking into this a bit too much. I mean I think about things too much sometimes, but they are just Young's lads, getting on it and having a good time!

no, I think this is precisely the kind of thread where we should go deeper - what is the state of play? where is Ibiza at? how is clubbing changing? it's healthy to discuss whether that is a good thing or not
my post wasn't about "people enjoying themselves on holiday" or even about these specific guys

I was just citing that video as an example, wondering when clubbers got so vain
a similar group were on our flight from dublin last month and they were trying to get Alan Fitzpatrick's attention who was sleeping with his headphones on,they kept stopping by his seat hoping he wakes up.I over heard one saying that Alan Fitzpatrick recognized us from "the scene"...:eek::lol:
But surely you can see that calling someone's video 'boring, very vain, overly pleased with themselves' is going to look like it was specific to the person posting the video? We probably do live in a more narcissistic society but that permeates all of society and is no doubt due to the rise of cameraphones/social media etc. Club owners/businesses are cashing in on that trend to make money. If we had the technology they do today in the early 90's perhaps it would have been our generation that would be seen in this light......
If we had the technology they do today in the early 90's perhaps it would have been our generation that would be seen in this light......

that is a good point about the tech - quite relieved in a way, it all came in later!

but the vanity though - pre-Beckham, nobody really cared what they looked like unless they were on a date

it's just an observation, nothing more. I just think people are becoming less and less interesting
a similar group were on our flight from dublin last month and they were trying to get Alan Fitzpatrick's attention who was sleeping with his headphones on,they kept stopping by his seat hoping he wakes up.I over heard one saying that Alan Fitzpatrick recognized us from "the scene"...:eek::lol:

What scene was that then!?!? The scene where a pack of absolute gimps fight each other on a flight, over who gets to be the first to cradle Alan Fitzpatrick's balls in their hands for 5 mins?!!? :lol:
that is a good point about the tech - quite relieved in a way, it all came in later!

but the vanity though - pre-Beckham, nobody really cared what they looked like unless they were on a date

it's just an observation, nothing more. I just think people are becoming less and less interesting

Pre-Beckham nobody really cared what they look like? What about the 80's?

Be interested as to when or specifics in the video you perceived me or the group of guys I was with to be vain? I purposely left the part out where I stood on the egg and pulled off a pose similarly to that of a Greek God