Same Partner: Yes - cant imagine life without him - 20 years coming up and married for 12
Same House: No moved to a very quiet, quaint almost (well for where we live anyway
) where its like going back 40 years, everyone has keys to each others houses, every looks after their neighbours - nothing is too much trouble - in all, its a proper community.
Same Job: kind of but got promoted 2 years ago so do two jobs really - more stressful and the lines are appearing more and more but on the whole, I genuinely really enjoy my job and I love the people I work with - great bunch of people. (this is not to say that if I won the lottery I would stay there...
Loses: My grandad and my furry kids, my desire to get caned and unable every weekend just cos there's a club night on that I "need" to go to or a DJ I "must" see....
Gains: a wider view on life and a realisation that things cant just happen when I want them to happen - sometimes you have to wait for a reason and you cant rush things... Also a healthier lifestyle - which I have to say I am LOVING!!!
Worries: My dad, but he seems to be responding really well to his chemo (fingers crossed) and really my parents and Phil's parents - I dont like this getting old malarky - I dont want to lose them...
Aspirations: to move away from the UK - dont know if it will be to Ibiza but it will definately be to somewhere in Spain, Phil's business seems to be taking off - slowly but at long last green shoots are appearing so that's good news and hopefully he will start to reap the benefits of his hard slog over the past 13 months - and it doesnt mean that he has to be UK based.....
Future: To remain postive and happy as much as I can - anything I can do that's within my control to maintain happiness and positivity I will do it..... oh and to get another 2 doggies - my life still feels empty without furry kids to look after...