How's the weather looking??

Temperatures in Ibiza at record highs

... The 38.4 degrees Celsius recorded yesterday afternoon at the airport of Ibiza represent a historic high in September, said yesterday the State Meteorological Agency, which measures these records since 1961 ...

Meanwhile in Formentera thermometers reached 39 degrees yesterday,
the highest temperature of all the Balearic archipelago ...


... yesterday was common to see people wearing umbrella
to fight the intensity of ultraviolet rays ...
yeah, why?
thats a suicide-commando on a scooter.
taxis shooting by with 160 and when you enter the tunnel in broad daylight you almost
don´t see a scooter in the first seconds ...
do you drive on the right lane or on the lay-by ?
driving on the right lane, never had any problem so far. taxis do drive fast yeah, but tbh, most of them (at least the official taxis) are actually pretty good drivers I always thought. I'm honestly always much more scared when I see any rental car...
ok so it seems the last few really hot days are upon us, from wednesday onwards the max temperature drops a bit - but don't worry, it's still gonna be hot enough in the day (25-28°C) and also not getting cold at night yet. and even though the mainland seems to be getting quite a bit of rain later this week, it looks as though the rains don't get to the island just yet. sooo...I do think we *might* get a bit of mixed weather and possibly a bit of rain in the second part of the month.