How's the weather looking??

Tornado today in Ibiza. Just on boat now back from Formentera. Hopefully missed the downpour but next few days don't look good.

We got guestlist for children of the 80s tonight but not gonna go if pissing it down.
Soooo lucked out with the weather for our visit last week! I'm pretty sure the rain came in the day after we left! Blessed. :D
I got lucky, flew through the storms on Sunday so on arrival they had gone, bit steamy though! Monday was OK, Tuesday superb, Wednesday too windy to swim comfortably but nice having a drink away from the coast with the sun beating down. Only had the three full days :-(
It might be fun in Ibiza to have snow. Believe me, where I live it just spells nightmare!

being swiss I grew up with that so am very used to it, but I'd absolutely love to see ibiza covered in snow with my own eyes. will stand by ready with car & camera this weekend to drive up to sa talaia / puig llentrisca area!
ok so it snowed over in mallorca and heavily on the mainland, but sadly we didn't get any proper snow on ibiza. what we did get though is a lot of rain! it's actually pissing down as I'm typing this.

together with the rain we got pre-christmas, this bad weather period right now is further helping the island's acquifers to fill up. of course there will be flooding again here and there, but the good news is that apparently we're currently having as much ground water as we last had a decade ago.

they had been expecting a warm and rainy winter and so far it's happening as predicted. I have a feeling ibiza will look amazingly green in springtime this year and might stay green for longer than what we've gotten used to lately! :)