How long til' you go?

31 days until I get to the island from Australia. Ibiza Virgin here so excited doesn't do justice to how I feel

What dates are you there? This is my second time, last year my first and I was so excited too. Cried like a fool on the plane back home. I'm excited again, the most awesome raving crowd.
What dates are you there? This is my second time, last year my first and I was so excited too. Cried like a fool on the plane back home. I'm excited again, the most awesome raving crowd.
Get in Sunday 17th July and fly out Friday 22nd to London. Coming with my best mate. Staying at PDB for a few nights then San An a few nights.
58 ever long days :eek: b4 having a shot there :cool:
I'm here now for 7 weeks and will be back for a week September/Oktober. Will be in San An tonight, any spotlighters there?Working there?