How long til' you go?

7 days for me! Not been this early in the season for a few years, 3 years of rainy September visits have led to the GF insisting on an earlier visit.
10 weeks today till my first trip of the year..

Just this moment booked 2-6th October for closings :D
30 days from today is when we arrive. I'll be there for 7 full days. I cannot wait! We booked the trip in January and it's felt like years away.
1week & 1 day, can't f***ing wait to be back to figueretas & have a coffee at coolture cafe (u can bring cakes from bakery as they allowe it :cool:) before sunbathing on the beach...
Aug will b far better than opening 16 as i will meet some old veteran spotlight members such as Fusion :p & will not making same mistake on spreading money to some parties that don't worth & will have a visit to many beaches i can & local restaurants i've never been too :)
It's great to be back posting on this forum - It has nearly been a year since I last posted and my last trip to Ibiza.
At a tender age of 32 I thought last year was my final farewell to the Island, however over the weekend I managed to convince the wife to go AGAIN on route to our main holiday in Alicante.
31 days and counting until my return to the wonderful white isles - you can never have toooo much of one place.