how are the drink prices this year? (2008)

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~$23 US dollar red bull. no alcohol included.
I was sure the pints of SM at The Orange Corner were even cheaper than that when I was there in June. Still though, at 3.50 you can't complain.
Hey anyone know how much a chupito/shot is in the clubs. My experience with other clubs in spain is that even though beers and mixers are wayy over priced u can still get a shot of tequila resaonbly cheap like 3 euros or so. Anyone know??
Hey anyone know how much a chupito/shot is in the clubs. My experience with other clubs in spain is that even though beers and mixers are wayy over priced u can still get a shot of tequila resaonbly cheap like 3 euros or so. Anyone know??

6 Euro in Amnesia last year so I wouldn't say it is particularly cheap for a chupito...
full respect to eden for that, wouldn't it make more sense just to lower the price of water inside though?
Would all you people stop thanking eden, they pump hot air through their air con all evening in my experience when i have been there and then when it is near closing time the cold air comes back on!!!!!!!!!!!
back to eden:

someone who has been there recently please correct me if i'm wrong but i was talking with someone from eden some hours ago who said that machine has NOTHING to do with them..... it actually belongs to the bar next door :?:
i like

-malibu simple

-beer(big one


how much is it on bora bora and in clubs?

ps:is my first time in ibiza on day 4th
good news - but only for the clubs:

Botellón Ban

The Town Hall began a crackdown on binge street-drinking last week
and warned there would be heavy fines for those caught breaking the law.

The practice of the "Botellon", which literally means big bottle,
has grown massively across the country as the decade has progressed.
The concept is simple - youngsters agree to meet in pre-arranged spots,
each bringing their own alcohol, to enjoy a night of binge drinking.

The problem is that the age of those involved is getting lower and lower,
with police reporting they had found children as young as twelve in some "parties".

The Ministry for Health admitted cases of hospitalization due to the effects of alcohol
had doubled in the last few years, with the age of victims getting younger and younger.

The craze has become especially popular on the island, where high prices
have ensured youngsters are unable to drink at most bars.
However, the recent surge has forced the Town Hall of San Antonio to act,
and it seems they will be targeting the adults.
Those caught drinking in the company of minors will be fined between €750 and €1,500.
Councillor Josep Ramon Serra Pilot continued that the authorities would be clamping
down on underage drinking in the town's bars and clubs,
and also those supermarkets caught selling alcohol to those under the age of 18.

During the press conference he also revealed he had come to an agreement
with the boat companies to avoid early morning excursions.
The practice of early morning trips to watch the sunrise became popular last year,
especially amongst clubbers.
However, Pilot said the practice was clearly unsafe and that clubbers in particular
were not in the best condition to be taking trips out to sea.
'ello.. Sad I know but in June im heading out to Ibiza for the first time. What with the Credit crunch 'n all that im a bit worried about how much im gonna be spending on drinks. So it's a bit of a relief to read that Eden have this outside water vender set up. Im not much of a drinker but don't mind dropping a few biscuits if im out raving, so I was just wondering a) is the water vending thing still happening this year? and b) what sort of prices am i looking at for water of these ppl.

Im just worried that after reading ppl talking about 10 euro's for a small bottle - I could probably go through 7-8 bottles in a night (plus any booze) which chucked on top of club entry, pre drinks, taxi's etc... It's all gonna cost a pretty penny!

Just thinking Eden might be the club of choice if i can get semi-decent priced water outside cos looks like thats where most of my holiday dosh is gonna go!

Thanks for any info anyone can provide...

p.s. I've got dozen's of questions about going out there but other than the water situation im just gonna suck it 'n see!
There is a 24hour supermarket 100yards from Eden, where you can go with a pass out, sit back and chill out with a €2 liter bottle of water!

There are always ways to get around a problem!

Don't do it too often or Security will get suspicious.
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