Housing benefit

Sold my old car to a guy living and working in Barnsley. agreed to drive the car down to his house and he brought me home. Chatted for ages, basically he was working as much as physically possible to get the money to setup home back in Poland. The fascists had made he and his g/f's lives hell in the workplace with snidey comments. I have probably never felt as ashamed to be British.

There is no place for xenophobia or biggotry of any kind in a supposed developed society in the 21st century.

Same happened with the girl I sit next to - at one of her first office jobs in London she was treated appallingly, like she didnt exist, like she wasnt a human being, made fun of her accent, making out she couldnt speak or understand english that well (her english is amazing) - as you say makes you feel ashamed to be British - I was appalled at some of the stuff she had been subjected to yet she didnt have any hate towards them or anything and hasnt let it get her down

One part of the article that made me smile was a reference to Taboo, saw this many years ago. Was seated at the front with the misus and was parping my pants as several people on the front row received severe ribbing.

good grief, just realised a total digression from housing benefit. Apologies!
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I'm a BTL landlord, how does that make me a goon?

I've worked hard for every penny I've earnt and I've then invested it in property.

Some people invest in stocks and shares, some wine or art but because it's bricks and mortar that makes me a parasite.

You need to have a look at yourself there Harry.

Why do I need to look at myself? The negative societal impact of BTL is well acknowledged.

I'm with flowers but I don't think this is about portioning blame to an individual.

It's about a system that is built on foundations that are inherently screwed and will soon topple.


...and how is it possible to enter into any kind of lairy debate with a name like Harry Flowers please?
Why do I need to look at myself? The negative societal impact of BTL is well acknowledged.


Explain the reasons why you use the terms goons etc?

As someone has already said, a number of BTL landlords have lost everything, it's the same with any investments, there is an element of risk involved.

Why if I, or any other BTL landlord made the choice to invest our hard earned money in property does that make us goons?

Are you backing up your arguement purely on the basis on the attached?

You sound like a complete clown to be honest Harry lad.
I'm with flowers but I don't think this is about portioning blame to an individual.

It's about a system that is built on foundations that are inherently screwed and will soon topple.


...and how is it possible to enter into any kind of lairy debate with a name like Harry Flowers please?

Yeah you can blame the system and the banks but you can't blame individuals, some of, if not most, have worked hard and lost a lot.
Explain the reasons why you use the terms goons etc?

As someone has already said, a number of BTL landlords have lost everything, it's the same with any investments, there is an element of risk involved.

Why if I, or any other BTL landlord made the choice to invest our hard earned money in property does that make us goons?

Are you backing up your arguement purely on the basis on the attached?

You sound like a complete clown to be honest Harry lad.

I don't agree with Harry on this,

However, it seems you'll quite happily lump all Czechs together under a lazy ignorant stereotype.

But as soon as someone else stereotypes you (as a BTL lanlord), you throw a hissy fit.

Don't dish it if you can't take it, lad.
I don't agree with Harry on this,

However, it seems you'll quite happily lump all Czechs together under a lazy ignorant stereotype.

But as soon as someone else stereotypes you (as a BTL lanlord), you throw a hissy fit.

Don't dish it if you can't take it, lad.

It's hardly a hissy fit, I'm happy to have a discussion on the matter which at present doesn't seem forthcoming.

If you feel you can add to it then please go ahead
Yet I might add if she was single with no job or hope she would get SO MUCH MORE

I was in a serious relationship last year and we were thinking about having children (pleased we didn't) but it seemed literally impossible, if I went on maternity leave i would get literally no help at all (£600 a month maybe) and this is BECAUSE I have worked hard and paid my taxes since I was 16 and in a relationship, Where if I sacked it all in and pretended to be single I would get my house council tax and and the kiddies benefits too, plus I would get to see my babies growing up. It seems unfair to me!
I was in a serious relationship last year and we were thinking about having children (pleased we didn't) but it seemed literally impossible, if I went on maternity leave i would get literally no help at all (£600 a month maybe) and this is BECAUSE I have worked hard and paid my taxes since I was 16 and in a relationship, Where if I sacked it all in and pretended to be single I would get my house council tax and and the kiddies benefits too, plus I would get to see my babies growing up. It seems unfair to me!

Yeah same here. Im entitled to statutory pay which is about £600 a month.

My friend gets it she said its £580 then you get taxed on that - would you believe.

Then its £80 a month child benefit.
