Housing benefit

is there really more self-worth working at mcdonalds than sitting at home? am not sure there is - the number of times I've been for a late night burger to see some drunk hurling racist abuse at the staff or chucking chips at them. The people doing those jobs are usually from overseas and doing it to supplement their student money. But they at least have clear goals and know it's only for a finite period. If you're local, demoralised and with no ambition whatsoever and no support structure behind you, and you'd earn more money selling puff and going on the fiddle why wouldn't you? I know I would.

I understand some of your points but I can't agree that there is any respect in not working at all.

It is easier to find work once you already have a job, at least you look hard working in the eyes of a new employer.

If you go for an interview and are asked what have you been doing for the past 12 months and all you can reply is 'watched Richard & Judy and smoked a bit of puff' then you are doomed to fail.

The part about people hurling food and racist abuse at counter staff is a seperate matter but again only highlights some of the stupidity of some people in this country.
Do you really need a lot of help on a combined income of £88k? Her £580 is £7k pa and so they'll have to scrape by on £51k year?

It's not the worst sob story I've heard Em:lol:

I meant to say £44k between them not each! Sorry didnt explain that well.......:oops:
It is for us if we ever want kids :cry:

I do see what you are saying but when you are used to say over £1,000 a month then you get so little from the state at a time you may need it?? I think thats what I am trying to argue :lol:

The other side is why should a couple who don't have kids support a couple that do? It's not a necessity, it's a lifestyle choice. Or is it?
I meant to say £44k between them not each! Sorry didnt explain that well.......:oops:

How's that £44k split? £22k each or differently?

As the son of a simple Irish labourer, I believe the bloke should take a second job to get their normal income maintained:lol:
The thing I dont get though is when its you, it never seems to apply?

My friends recently gone on maternity leave, she has worked hard all her life, so has her boyfriend.

Her work will only pay her statutory pay (this equals about £580 a month with £20 a week child allowance).

They are entitled to no other benefits because they both earn over £44k (not a lot over I might add)

I find it sickening at a time when you MAY need help you dont get any.

Just because you have worked all your life?

We don't do too badly in this country tbf for child benefits of various kinds. Expecting an employer to pay full pay for a year is a bit much?
I get this but the argument has to be balanced.

Everyone always jumps on the poor when the rich exploit the system in even more disgusting ways.

Until these people are brought into the conversation, we should stop patronising those at the bottom by forcing them into low level sweat shops.
We don't do too badly in this country tbf for child benefits of various kinds. Expecting an employer to pay full pay for a year is a bit much?

Yeah that is too much but I think maybe a bit more would be substantial?

I know you cant help where you work - some of my other friends get 6 months paid etc and then there is us who get the standard government.

I know its all relative but I just dont think its fair at a time you may need help and have never taken advantage before you just get no help.
Lol... I was thinking the same thing as Buckley.. £88k ain't so bad :lol:

Sorry that was a big error I must have sounded a right brat :lol:

I meant to say they work it out on both your wages, so put together if you earn under £44k you get help or more benefits, anything over and you get zero
I get this but the argument has to be balanced.

Everyone always jumps on the poor when the rich exploit the system in even more disgusting ways.

Until these people are brought into the conversation, we should stop patronising those at the bottom by forcing them into low level sweat shops.


Buckley; said:
It all pails into insignificance compared to to top end tax evasion/avoidance, so feel free to defraud the benefit system, it's a drop in the ocean.

I'm an anarchist at heart honest!:lol:
I don't think it's even just a rich/poor thing - there's plenty of educated people in poverty, in the wrong jobs, lacking drive - the problem is as Rob correctly pointed out earlier - everyone is expected to follow some kind of conventional career path, even when you are simply not suited to any kind of career. The truth is some people are just naturally useless. (I myself am a prime example of someone who is useless in the workplace) Trying to force these people into hateful work just to save a few pennies on the benefits bill, seems very harsh

4.8 million on housing benefit. £1 billion spent every 17 days.

Remember though that the tenants themselves see none of this taxpayer money. The money goes straight to the parasitic Buy-to-Let landlord. We are essentially paying off his speculative investment. The young, of course, can not afford to buy a house because of these legions of BTL goons filling their boots.

4.8 million on housing benefit. £1 billion spent every 17 days.

Remember though that the tenants themselves see none of this taxpayer money. The money goes straight to the parasitic Buy-to-Let landlord. We are essentially paying off his speculative investment. The young, of course, can not afford to buy a house because of these legions of BTL goons filling their boots.

Interesting point.

4.8 million on housing benefit. £1 billion spent every 17 days.

Remember though that the tenants themselves see none of this taxpayer money. The money goes straight to the parasitic Buy-to-Let landlord. We are essentially paying off his speculative investment. The young, of course, can not afford to buy a house because of these legions of BTL goons filling their boots.

I'm a BTL landlord, how does that make me a goon?

I've worked hard for every penny I've earnt and I've then invested it in property.

Some people invest in stocks and shares, some wine or art but because it's bricks and mortar that makes me a parasite.

You need to have a look at yourself there Harry.
Well you're both right really.

It's the system that sucks.

Wealth creates divides, divides create fear...fear takes us away from ourselves and makes us want more stuff.

No one ultimately benefits. The rich look ugly and build walls around themselves for protection and the poor end up being depicted as scroungers.
Well you're both right really.

It's the system that sucks.

Wealth creates divides, divides create fear...fear takes us away from ourselves and makes us want more stuff.

No one ultimately benefits. The rich look ugly and build walls around themselves for protection and the poor end up being depicted as scroungers.

Propose an alternative.