Housing benefit


If they're not working they may be caring for someone or nurturing a creative talent.

Money isn't the only success indicator out there and it's not where I derive my self respect.

That doesn't justify getting a £1k pm flat paid for by tax payers I'm afraid.
And this is why you pay half your salary in taxes...

the problem is a lot of people are too stupid, too ill, too demotivated, too unlucky, too unconnected, too idle, too unfortunate for whatever reason to make great successes of their lives and those people somehow need to be looked after. Or do we really want a country where the rich have to step over beggars on the street on their way to the office? I personally think that's not only immoral but actually not really in the elite's interests either, unless they really want to live in gated communities and pretend that the poor don't exist? And London, for instance, is sadly heading in that direction.
Are you waiting to see what the outcome of this is, quit your job and nuture your creative talent Rob? :lol:

errr yep.

(well saying that I already went around that loop and quit. Slave labour exists in all wage brackets and it's nice to no longer be a part of that - love my job now.)
the problem is a lot of people are too stupid, too ill, too demotivated, too unlucky, too unconnected, too idle, too unfortunate for whatever reason to make great successes of their lives and those people somehow need to be looked after. Or do we really want a country where the rich have to step over beggars on the street on their way to the office? I personally think that's not only immoral but actually not really in the elite's interests either, unless they really want to live in gated communities and pretend that the poor don't exist? And London, for instance, is sadly heading in that direction.

Agree strongly.
the problem is a lot of people are too stupid, too ill, too demotivated, too unlucky, too unconnected, too idle, too unfortunate for whatever reason to make great successes of their lives and those people somehow need to be looked after.
The sick and infirm are one thing.
The demotivated, unconnected, idle and unfortunate need to have a word with themselves.
There is ALWAYS a way to make a success of yourself. If not, there's always McDonalds.

I'm all for a social safety net. But the combination of excessive benefits and high taxation is a demotivating factor, plain and simple.

Andy JB said:
You just answered your own question. He's not from the UK so he gets to jump the que and take a handout.
That's not what she was saying at all... but good job trying to change the focus :confused:
When I first moved to Leeds, I was on housing benefit. £300 pcm, which is half the rent for the flat I live in (other half paid by my flat mate).
However, I got a job two months later, so thankfully wasn't on it for long, as it's demoralizing being on benefits.

On another note, £1k pcm for a one bed (most likely) flat does seem an awful lot of money...
I think it's good if you genuinely fall on hard times that you will receive support.

There was uproar when the Tory Councils tried to remove/limit housing benefits for certain prestige postcodes in central London to remove the undesirables. (Like Paris)

Of course there's the usual story of the unemployed Somali woman who's living in a £3m Notting Hill townhouse, but they tend to be quirks of the system certainly not the norm.

Life can **** of anyone. And anyone who thinks they are immune to a drastic reversal of fortune should remember:

"There but for the grace of God, there go I, I , I Ayeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"
The sick and infirm are one thing.
The demotivated, unconnected, idle and unfortunate need to have a word with themselves.
There is ALWAYS a way to make a success of yourself. If not, there's always McDonalds.

I'm all for a social safety net. But the combination of excessive benefits and high taxation is a demotivating factor, plain and simple.

That's not what she was saying at all... but good job trying to change the focus :confused:

Come and live here mate and you'll get an idea how bad it is.

Other than that I agree with you 100%. There is more respect in flipping burgers than there is sitting on your arse all day collecting your giro.

Being demotivated, unconnected or idle is not an excuse to be carried through life by others.
The sick and infirm are one thing.
The demotivated, unconnected, idle and unfortunate need to have a word with themselves.
There is ALWAYS a way to make a success of yourself. If not, there's always McDonalds.


True... I want to live in a country where we help the sick and infirm, or people down on their luck who want to get back up. But unfortunately too many people exploit the system, and until it's made harder to claim benefits we're going to be paying for an awful lot of people to sit on their a.rses all day.

You should go on some of the advice websites, it's almost like they're shoving the benefits in your face! "Do you claim jobseekers allowance? Did you know you can also claim xxx benefit and xxx benefit too?"

Just don't get it... I guess the councils have a certain benefits budget to use up, is that the way it works? :confused:
The thing I dont get though is when its you, it never seems to apply?

My friends recently gone on maternity leave, she has worked hard all her life, so has her boyfriend.

Her work will only pay her statutory pay (this equals about £580 a month with £20 a week child allowance).

They are entitled to no other benefits because they both earn over £44k (not a lot over I might add)

I find it sickening at a time when you MAY need help you dont get any.

Just because you have worked all your life?
is there really more self-worth working at mcdonalds than sitting at home? am not sure there is - the number of times I've been for a late night burger to see some drunk hurling racist abuse at the staff or chucking chips at them. The people doing those jobs are usually from overseas and doing it to supplement their student money. But they at least have clear goals and know it's only for a finite period. If you're local, demoralised and with no ambition whatsoever and no support structure behind you, and you'd earn more money selling puff and going on the fiddle why wouldn't you? I know I would.
You should go on some of the advice websites, it's almost like they're shoving the benefits in your face! "Do you claim jobseekers allowance? Did you know you can also claim xxx benefit and xxx benefit too?"

The people who must NEED help are the most likely to be able to work out that they are entitled to it and how to get it. That's why it's appears like the great giveaway - it can't be subtle to get the message to those people. Unfortunately, this becomes a loud and clear siren to those who wish to play the system.

It all pails into insignificance compared to to top end tax evasion/avoidance, so feel free to defraud the benefit system, it's a drop in the ocean.
I have been doing a lot of research on benefits across different countries. The safety net in many countries serve a good purpose, with all things there are people who abuse the system.
IMHO the social services keep people in a zone of indifference. By this I mean you have a nice flat(or mortgage) go on vacation (holiday) and medical care. Then you can look forward to retirement we you are aged. You won't make a fuss and want to move the elite out of power. If you want a laugh look up the origin of Mortgage hint it is from Napoleon. I'm off my soap box.
Yet I might add if she was single with no job or hope she would get SO MUCH MORE

That's true. My friend is a single mum who earns only £23k p/a (peanuts when you count the cost of rent and childcare) and rents a room from her friend's parents house. She applied for housing benefit and was told the only way she could get it is if she gave up her job!

Ridiculous isnt it... seems like people who actually need it don't get a look in, and people who probably don't need it can exploit the system!
That's true. My friend is a single mum who earns only £23k p/a (peanuts when you count the cost of rent and childcare) and rents a room from her friend's parents house. She applied for housing benefit and was told the only way she could get it is if she gave up her job!

Ridiculous isnt it... seems like people who actually need it don't get a look in, and people who probably don't need it can exploit the system!

Yeah my friend actually said if she hadnt worked all these years she would be entitled to all sorts - so she was laughing at herself saying if only she had known!

I know you choose to have children but why should that be a punishment as such?
The thing I dont get though is when its you, it never seems to apply?

My friends recently gone on maternity leave, she has worked hard all her life, so has her boyfriend.

Her work will only pay her statutory pay (this equals about £580 a month with £20 a week child allowance).

They are entitled to no other benefits because they both earn over £44k (not a lot over I might add)

I find it sickening at a time when you MAY need help you dont get any.

Just because you have worked all your life?

Do you really need a lot of help on a combined income of £88k? Her £580 is £7k pa and so they'll have to scrape by on £51k year?

It's not the worst sob story I've heard Em:lol:
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Do you really need a lot of help on a combined income of £88k? Her £580 is £7k pa and so they'll have to scrape by on £51k year?

It's not the worst sob story I heard Em:lol:

It is for us if we ever want kids :cry:

I do see what you are saying but when you are used to say over £1,000 a month then you get so little from the state at a time you may need it?? I think thats what I am trying to argue :lol: