Housing benefit


Active Member
A friend of mine has just moved into a fancy new Central Londn flat with her new bf who has recently lost his job. When I voiced concern over whether she could afford the flat rent on her own, and with her not knowing this guy long etc etc it seemed a bit risky.

She informed me that he plans on getting his rent paid by Housing Benefit... at first I didn't believe this to be possible... is this for real? You can just move into a £1000 p/month rental flat and claim half of it off the Government? I've done a Google and it seems to be the case.

Sometimes I swear I'm doing the wrong thing by working and paying my tax/rent etc :confused: :eek:

Sorry if this post is un-PC.. I'm just in shock!
A friend of mine has just moved into a fancy new Central Londn flat with her new bf who has recently lost his job. When I voiced concern over whether she could afford the flat rent on her own, and with her not knowing this guy long etc etc it seemed a bit risky.

She informed me that he plans on getting his rent paid by Housing Benefit... at first I didn't believe this to be possible... is this for real? You can just move into a £1000 p/month rental flat and claim half of it off the Government? I've done a Google and it seems to be the case.

Sometimes I swear I'm doing the wrong thing by working and paying my tax/rent etc :confused: :eek:

Sorry if this post is un-PC.. I'm just in shock!

:eek: shocked also! wow!
it might depend on what job he was doing and how he lost it?

if he had some kind of injury or stress caused by work which is preventing him from finding new work - then that might be a factor?

OR it would have to be an admin blunder on their part.

It can't be standard practice otherwise we'd ALL be claiming

...but I say go on benefits! The system is there to be screwed.

If you fancy a hiatus from work it's a viable option.

...but I say go on benefits! The system is there to be screwed.

If you fancy a hiatus from work it's a viable option.

not up here its not - when phil lost his job - he couldnt get dole or any help towards anything because "your wife earns too much" - WTF err no I bloody dont actually!! :spank:
I'm shocked!

I mean £1k for central London! I pay £2k for the OUTER part of Westminster!:spank:
He's actually not had a "proper" job for a while as far as I know... the industry he works in is very sporadic. He's from the Czech republic and the industry he trained in over there (some kind of architecture) isn't really done over here.

I had just always imagined being on benefits as not having many options... i.e the council have to tell you where to live. But this flat is top notch!

I done a benefit calculator on Hackney Council's website and me and Jon would be entitled to £230 per week for our rent if we lost our jobs and wanted to stay in the same area.

It's easy to see why people have no incentives to go out and find work.
it's important to milk the system whenever and wherever you can. these are the only scraps the peasants are ever going to get, so you might as well get your snout in the trough whilst you can.

Ain't no such thing as a benefit scrounger in my book.

It's an entitlement within a system that could give two $hits about social mobility and seems to love rich people.


But (as usual :lol:) I'm going off on a tangent. Becks - interesting what you say.

Post when you get to the bottom of this because I'd quite like a waterside flat in Westminster on the giro.

Ain't no such thing as a benefit scrounger in my book.


it's important to milk the system whenever and wherever you can. these are the only scraps the peasants are ever going to get, so you might as well get your snout in the trough whilst you can.
And this is why you pay half your salary in taxes...

Ain't no such thing as a benefit scrounger in my book.

It's an entitlement within a system that could give two $hits about social mobility and seems to love rich people.


But (as usual :lol:) I'm going off on a tangent. Becks - interesting what you say.

Post when you get to the bottom of this because I'd quite like a waterside flat in Westminster on the giro.

Nah, not saying they're scrounging... more saying the system has shocked me. I didn't think it would be that easy to pick a flat that you want to live in and get it paid for by the Government :confused:

Waterside flat in Westminster? I'd opt for one of those fancy townhouses in Primrose Hill. I wonder what would happen if I moved in, paid one month's rent (might have enough savings to cover this) then lost my job? That would be schweeet! :D
And this is why you pay half your salary in taxes...

It's not.

We're brainwashed to think of anyone at the bottom of the chain as thieving scum.

They're not.

Everyone deserves a break and we make our own internal morals and laws.
Nah, not saying they're scrounging... more saying the system has shocked me. I didn't think it would be that easy to pick a flat that you want to live in and get it paid for by the Government :confused:

Waterside flat in Westminster? I'd opt for one of those fancy townhouses in Primrose Hill. I wonder what would happen if I moved in, paid one month's rent (might have enough savings to cover this) then lost my job? That would be schweeet! :D

Me neither! :eek:

If you get to the bottom of it, please send me a pm.
He's actually not had a "proper" job for a while as far as I know... the industry he works in is very sporadic. He's from the Czech republic and the industry he trained in over there (some kind of architecture) isn't really done over here.

It's easy to see why people have no incentives to go out and find work.

You just answered your own question. He's not from the UK so he gets to jump the que and take a handout.

In response to the other part, the main incentive is self respect. I know everything I own I worked hard for. Every beer I drink I deserve etc.

People that actually dont want to work have no respect for themselves in my eyes.

If they're not working they may be caring for someone or nurturing a creative talent.

Money isn't the only success indicator out there and it's not where I derive my self respect.