Heartbreaking read

I don't know if more media and technology is going to promote democracy. Do you think following western fashion and having more internet connections make a more democratic government and people?

The Middle east and Asia is getting more and more westernised, that's a fact, there has been strikes all over China and India over pay and work benefits, something they wouldn't have dared do in years gone by.
You're talking absolute bollocks and I'm in no way back peddling. I said they can change, not they have to. Stop trying to twist my words you argumentative ****wit.

Oh and do you think the way they treat women is exceptable? they shouldn't change, no?

Now now, getting all upset just because you used the wrong word :lol:(note:acceptable)

If you read back through my posts, you will see my opinion on the girl's punshiment. I think it is horrible.

What am asking is, at what point do people think they can march in to other countries and change things? We wouldn't want anyone coming to our country and changing things because they think we are behaving disgracefully.

Please explain, why I'm being an arumentative ****wit.. :lol:
Now now, getting all upset just because you used the wrong word :lol:(note:acceptable)

If you read back through my posts, you will see my opinion on the girl's punshiment. I think it is horrible.

What am asking is, at what point do people think they can march in to other countries and change things? We wouldn't want anyone coming to our country and changing things because they think we are behaving disgracefully.

Please explain, why I'm being an arumentative ****wit.. :lol:


A) That's not what I said.
B) That's not what I think.

Now kindly stop patronising me.
Stop being a condescending twat, and I'll stop 'yelling mean nasties'. In fact, don't worry, I'll stop anyway, I'm bored of you now.

But feel free to have the last word, Mr Pedant. Make it a good'un.
Stop being a condescending twat, and I'll stop 'yelling mean nasties'. In fact, don't worry, I'll stop anyway, I'm bored of you now.

But feel free to have the last word, Mr Pedant. Make it a good'un.

if you'd actually read the thread, you'd find where you are makign your mistake!!

you think I'm a boy dont' you.... HA!
Mrs Pedant, then. I really don't care.

:lol: :lol:

I know you just realised it.

Shows how you read through the whole thread after it was mentioned the first time.

Only reason you mouthed off like that was because you thought I was a man.

Interesting to see how people talk to one another when they confuse the gender.
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I told you I was done with you before you told me your sex. Male or female, I stand by what I've said. You misinterpreted my original post, I think I know what my opinions are.

I just think its funny how people go off and use all kinds of language and attitude when they think I'm male...and then get offended because they think its a male who's talking to them. :lol:

if you knew I was female from the beginning , you wouldn't have got so uptight as you did.

It is not about arming yourselves with firearms, but arming yourselves with a set of balls. If Europe and certain parts of the US were to arm themselves with a set of kahunas early on then they will not have to arm themselves with firearms later on.

There are two factors at work here.
  • One is the conscious failure of the Muslim population to integrate with the people of their “adopted” countries.
  • The other is the laissez faire attitude of the people on the host country.
I say conscious because it has been my experience that a decent percentage of people from the sub-continent have the mind-set that they are in the West because they see a better economic future here. That is it; just economic. They do not see the West as their home. It’s not a home, it’s a hotel. In many of the families either directly or through insinuations children are raised with the notion that the West is an immoral society and that the children will never become Class A citizens.

Add to this mixture the fact that many mullahs at the mosques either directly or through insinuations further the divide by feeding the children the BS of how the West has continually carried out a crusade against the Muslims. Hence, the message is that in order to survive against the onslaught of the West they need to stick together under the banner of Islam and reject the West.

It is about the "native Brits" helping the Muslim population change and the Muslim population growing a set of marbles and challenging this very “us vs. them” mentality that is fomented by parents, extended families and the mullahs.

I bet many of y’all know of friends (who are well educated and are professionals) but they are so intimidated to go against the wishes of their parents, extended families and the mullahs. A few of my class mates from high school were basically dictated by family members as to who they have to marry. We are not talking about Hassan the cab driver over here. These are grown men and women who graduated from schools like London School of Economics, Warwick, etc. and are Engineers and CAs. These are not individuals who have to depend on a stipend from mom and dad. BTW, there is a difference between who your folks would prefer you get married to versus who they want you to get married to.

It is about making the Muslim youth really believing that they can challenge their parents, family members and religious leaders and they will be helped by the local authorities in the event they are threatened with repercussions.

It is important to realize that part of it is a result of the “live and let live” attitude in Europe (and increasing also in some parts of the US). Live and let live does not mean that a sub-group is living isolated from the main group. That’s called a cancer. If a cancer is not treated early then either the host will die or there will be a long drawn out struggle where the cancer will be destroyed, but the host will be significantly hurt.

Now don’t get me wrong and think that I am placing all the responsibility on the native populace. I am not saying that all the efforts need to be made by the native populace and the Muslim population just needs to sit on their rear ends.

I firmly believe that any immigrant society will behave (for lack of a better word) exactly the same as they did in their native countries if they do not integrate. Integration is a 2-way street, but if one is the minority, then it only makes sense that they bring their hand forward first with the utmost sincerity. If the people in the local community totally reject shaking their hand, then that is another issue. I know that most of the “native Brits” are inclusive people.

It is also very pathetic that very seldom do the religious leaders within the Islamic communities come out and aggressively condemn such attitudes. Very seldom do they come out and aggressively let the Muslim population know that just because someone does not agree with them does not mean that they need to be killed. Very seldom does the Muslim community come out and admit that they have a growing disease within their community and they need to do something about it. Personally, I think that the Muslim community is pretty much like the Germans during the Third Reich, and just like the Germans they will end up being “casualties of war” only because either they are too afraid to speak out or they support the same views of the “ideological idiots”.

Hence, it is about the Muslim population really making a genuine effort to become a part of their adopted community. It is about them realizing and cherishing the freedom provided by the adopted country and the tolerance that is required along with it. It is about the Muslims realizing and acting to prevent the “ideological idiots” who have hijacked their religion from leading them to a point of disaster.

However, unfortunately the way things are in many Muslim communities it is a never ending cycle. The only thing that will change is an increase in numbers of such cases because they are the fastest growing group in UK and probably the rest of Europe.

It can argued that these honor killings are just that, and what does it have to do with any threat to security? That is true; to the very naïve observer. However, it is important to note that the same folks who believe in honor killings are the same folks that dream of having Sharia law in the west. These are the same grounds where the home grown terrorists come from.

I apologize for the long post, but this is an issue that needs to be openly discussed.
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It is not about arming yourselves with firearms, but arming yourselves with a set of balls.

Yeah, we're all cheese-eating surrender monkeys here in Old Yurp.

This neo-con attitude has really done the world a power of good in the last few years, hasn't it?

America, the Tony Montana of nation states: "All I have is my word and my balls. And I don't break either of them for nobody."
