Heartbreaking read

It's a sad tale and one to think about now that that region is becoming a popular destination for westerners.
It's a sad tale and one to think about now that that region is becoming a popular destination for westerners.

money talks doesnt it.

whats even more sad is that alot of ME money is coming to the west, cos were selling all our assets.
The reason we have people like the Al-Queda flying planes into buildings is because they don't want the west changing their culture. We try to tell them how to live and they come to us and blow things up. It might be better for everyone to just let them get on with their barbaric ways until they finally decide to enter the modern world
The reason we have people like the Al-Queda flying planes into buildings is because they don't want the west changing their culture. We try to tell them how to live and they come to us and blow things up. It might be better for everyone to just let them get on with their barbaric ways until they finally decide to enter the modern world

i agree. although the aims of that bunch of ideological idoits want the whole world to live under their form of Islam.

you can kill as many of em as you want but you cant kill off an ideology.

That is an excellent point you brought up when you state that "the aims of that bunch of ideological idoits want the whole world to live under their form of Islam". Make no mistake, the folks who beleive in honor killings are the very folks who salivate at the thought of having Sharia law in the west.

Warren D:

That is what the isolationists state that they are here because we are there. That is true to a certain extent. However, the "ideological idiots" as the Chewmeister eloquently described have an expansionist agenda. Read about what is going on in Thailand to get some perspective on the issue.
This reminds me of a story I saw on the BBC once. A 16 year old girl (I think) from Iran was born and raised a Muslim, but she gave up her religion and fled the country because she was in love with a man who wasn't a muslim.

Her parents then phoned her and convinced her that they weren't mad, so she went home to visit. The whole village were waiting for her return and they stoned her to death.

the way they treat women in these countries is ****ing disgusting.

That is an excellent point you brought up when you state that "the aims of that bunch of ideological idoits want the whole world to live under their form of Islam". Make no mistake, the folks who beleive in honor killings are the very folks who salivate at the thought of having Sharia law in the west.

Warren D:

That is what the isolationists state that they are here because we are there. That is true to a certain extent. However, the "ideological idiots" as the Chewmeister eloquently described have an expansionist agenda. Read about what is going on in Thailand to get some perspective on the issue.

Would you recommend arming ourselves in readiness?;):lol:
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Your point? At no point did I say they HAD to change, I said they could. So come on down off your high horse, Mr PC.
Your point? At no point did I say they HAD to change, I said they could. So come on down off your high horse, Mr PC.

My point? you asked me to show you where you said that. I did.

wow... nice backpedaling! getting in a tizzy are we? ;)

PC has nothing to do with it.

you said, "we changed, so can they"

What has 'we changing" got to do with someone else?

kind of reminds of me of when people say things like " I have a job, why can't someone else go get one, just like me?

yeah i love being called Mr.. makes me drool! :lol:
The way evolution happens means they ultimately will change to be like us though... it's happening all over the world, even in rural villages, people have TV's now and follow fashion and stuff. The world becomes more and more modern every year, it's just some countries are way behind us.

Look at Pakistan, 100 years ago it was probably on the same level as Saudi Arabia. Now it's one of the most modern countries in Central Asia (in the cities anyway).

The introduction of media into these countries means they will change, since the TV, internet becomes more widely known around the world, it will promotre democracy.
The way evolution happens means they ultimately will change to be like us though... it's happening all over the world, even in rural villages, people have TV's now and follow fashion and stuff. The world becomes more and more modern every year, it's just some countries are way behind us.

Look at Pakistan, 100 years ago it was probably on the same level as Saudi Arabia. Now it's one of the most modern countries in Central Asia (in the cities anyway).

The introduction of media into these countries means they will change, since the TV, internet becomes more widely known around the world, it will promotre democracy.

I don't know if more media and technology is going to promote democracy. Do you think following western fashion and having more internet connections make a more democratic government and people?
I don't know if more media and technology is going to promote democracy. Do you think following western fashion and having more internet connections make a more democratic government and people?

I think seeing how other people live opens their eyes to another way of life, hence people wanting a more democratic government.

Put it this way, the majority of people want to be free to do what they want, when they want, how they want... it's how civilisation has evolved. We're a lot more free than we were, say even 50 years ago.
The people who have lived under repression for so long and who don't know any different start to revolt when they see how democratic people live.
My point? you asked me to show you where you said that. I did.

wow... nice backpedaling! getting in a tizzy are we? ;)

PC has nothing to do with it.

you said, "we changed, so can they"

What has 'we changing" got to do with someone else?

kind of reminds of me of when people say things like " I have a job, why can't someone else go get one, just like me?

yeah i love being called Mr.. makes me drool! :lol:

You're talking absolute bollocks and I'm in no way back peddling. I said they can change, not they have to. Stop trying to twist my words you argumentative ****wit.

Oh and do you think the way they treat women is exceptable? they shouldn't change, no?