Heartbreaking read

Horrible. And the amount of business we do & leverage we could have if the political heart was in it.

Is religion the root cause of it, or is it just another symptom of a particularly mentalist group of people? i.e in a world without religion they would find another excuse? I dunno.
i remember reading about this in another article the other day. Absolutely horrible. Even her lawyer is facing disciplinary action.
She got off pretty lightly with only lashes to be honest. Women have been stoned for lesser crimes in the past.

I agree with Chewie though, it's never going to change, at least not in our lifetimes anyway.
She got off pretty lightly with only lashes to be honest. Women have been stoned for lesser crimes in the past.

I agree with Chewie though, it's never going to change, at least not in our lifetimes anyway.

The salient point is that the US/UK governments are never going to try and change it as long as it's not economically prudent to do so.
The salient point is that the US/UK governments are never going to try and change it as long as it's not economically prudent to do so.

But there are a million and one heartbreaking stories of things going on every day in the world that our Government and the US could do something about. At the end of the day they cant help everyone. It's f.cked up but that's just the way it is.
But there are a million and one heartbreaking stories of things going on every day in the world that our Government and the US could do something about. At the end of the day they cant help everyone. It's f.cked up but that's just the way it is.

Agreed Miss Boo. Happened to see this particular incident and couldn't not pass comment.
As horrible as it is, do you think the UK and US governments have a right to go in and try and stop these things?

We think its disgusting, but other places think its disgusting to 'live in sin'... and a million other things as well..
As horrible as it is, do you think the UK and US governments have a right to go in and try and stop these things

history shows the west have a habit of telling "less civilised" countries how to "live".

you only have to look at Iraq, Afganistan, places for centuries have been colonised and invaded.

the "american way" only works in one place and thats America!
history shows the west have a habit of telling "less civilised" countries how to "live".

you only have to look at Iraq, Afganistan, places for centuries have been colonised and invaded.

the "american way" only works in one place and thats America!

yes, I know!

While I think this situation ( and many others) are extremely sad.... at what point do people think they have a right to go in and change the laws of another country.

I certainly don't like anyone telling me what to do, even if I am being sinful and evil!