New Member
dont like what hawtin plays either
bores the ****e out of me
bores the ****e out of me
a good Dj can take a **** song and make it good. (If anyone argues that, then they are ****ing ****!)
So you think it's possible to make this good? i beg to differ.......
i guess that makes me a 4 starring 4 star...![]()
Another artist sampled MSN years ago and actually made it sound REALLY good, Rick something.
But yes. I beleive its possible to make that song sound good.
Sample Rihanna - Please don't stop the music over it, inclusive of the michael jackson loop (which someone mentioned earlier) and it might be something, otherwise, its own vocals, or a Dj could play an accapella.
Come on, if you seriously heard that and thought thats as far as that track could go, I'd seriously be worried.
YUP thats pretty gay too![]()
Watch Sven's look of shock at 0.24 when the vocal kicks in
Haha that is funny then he starts snogging Hawtin![]()
Do any other Heterosexuals here have 'gay' moments when they areor in Ibiza with good friends
Im the opposite i prefer what he was doing a few years ago when i first heard him which was alot more stripped back than now. If you hear him now theres alot of tech house / tribal in there , lots of techno obviously but not so 'minimal"
you should be seriously worried (but not for those reasons)
i heard that track and was nearly sick. I wouldn't even bother to waste anytime TRYING to make that sound good. It's ****.... and putting Rhianna over it merely adds to pile of ****, cos it sure as hell aint makin it better.
Do any other Heterosexuals here have 'gay' moments when they areor in Ibiza with good friends
oh yeah theres often some big hugs going down when we all. havnt quite gone for the lips yet!
Not really, most ive done is go skinny dipping with a mate in PdB after a night in Pure Pacha. We got a few wolf whistles and winks from passers by but thats about it!
which ones did you take - the "pink ones" ?... me and my mates get all huggy and kissy while in Ibiza ...
which ones did you take - the "pink ones" ?![]()
Do any other Heterosexuals here have 'gay' moments when they areor in Ibiza with good friends